Getting Started

What are the Katana USD Plug-ins?

The Katana USD Plug-ins are a set of node types and libraries which permit
loading and manipulating USD assets in Katana. The current functionality
matches the original plug-ins developed by Pixar as part of the open source USD
library. We have created our own branch in order to ensure a more open set of
tools, and such that we can keep them up to date with changes to Katana itself
and work on improving them in the future. As part of this, we have started
shipping our own version along with our own core USD libraries in order to
support USD out of the box. As with all of our example plug-ins, these are
disabled by default. This page describes how you can enable them and also how
you can fork from our open source repository and add your own pipeline's
details. We also describe how to go about contributing to the community as a
whole and submitting any bug fixes or improvements to the Katana USD Plug-ins
in order for us to fold them into later shipping releases.

Our Katana USD Plug-ins will be built against and match the features of the
USD version shipped with Katana; which can be found in Katana's
:kat:ui:`About Katana` dialog and in the release notes.

.. _enable-katana-usd-plugins:

How do I Enable the Katana USD Plug-ins?

The Katana USD Plug-ins built and shipped with Katana are enabled by default.
To enable your own, you can use the following environment variable setup after 
setting ``KATANA_USD_PLUGINS_DISABLED=1``, to disable our shipped plugins.

In order to make your Katana USD Plug-ins available in Katana, you have to edit
your ``KATANA_RESOURCES`` and your ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` (``PATH`` on Windows)
and add the USD `plugin` folder to them. We have provided how to do this below,
along with the relative path of how to add this to your environments.

.. code-block :: bash

    set PATH=%PATH%;<PluginRoot>/lib
    set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;<PluginRoot>/lib/python
    set FNPXR_PLUGINPATH=<PluginRoot>/lib/resources;<PluginRoot>/usdKatanaSchemas

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<PluginRoot>/lib
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<PluginRoot>/lib/python
    export KATANA_RESOURCES=$KATANA_RESOURCES:<PluginRoot>/plugin
    export FNPXR_PLUGINPATH=<PluginRoot>/lib/resources:<PluginRoot>/usdKatanaSchemas

Once these are in your environment, when you start Katana next, you should be
able to create nodes of the additional node types using the standard node
creation menus in Katana's :kat:ui:`Node Graph` tab.

.. note ::
    Loading two different versions of the Katana USD Plug-ins in the same Katana session is unsupported. Please only use either the Katana USD Plug-ins we ship with, or your own Katana USD Plug-ins.

Downloading, Building and Installing

We provide the source code of the USD Katana Plug-ins to both facilitate your ability to add custom features onto the base codebase, and to foster an open source community in order to efficiently resolve issues and add features we may not have thought of. The source code can be found at https://github.com/TheFoundryVisionmongers/KatanaUsdPlugins.

There are some important notes to consider when building and using your own Katana USD Plug-ins. The differences depend on your circumstances and reasoning for wanting to use a different set of Katana USD Plug-ins, and below we will outline the scenarios and how best to build and set them up in order to avoid issues or conflicts when loading them into a Katana session.


1) "We want to use a different set of USD libraries, and therefore will build our own USD and link to this instead."
    a) This is useful if you require a feature from the latest version or have your own in-house version of USD which provides additional features when dealing with USD assets in your Katana project. In either case, you will need to build your Katana USD Plug-ins against your USD libraries and add those to the ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` (or ``PATH`` on Windows) environment variables when loading Katana. So long as you are using the default/Pixar Katana USD Plug-ins, you should still be able to add our internal Katana USD Plug-ins as well. This is because we have ensured the node type names, Op type names and libraries do not clash.
2) "We want to rebuild Foundry's Katana USD Plug-ins with additional features on top and use ours instead."
    b) In this scenario it is best to do a complete swap of our libraries for your own. You can do this by simply not opting into our plug-ins, and opting into your own using steps similar to `How do I Enable the Katana USD Plug-ins?`_ but with the paths to your own Katana USD Plug-ins. Following this method means you will not be able to use both our Katana USD Plug-ins and your own at the same time.

.. _building-usd-katana-plugins:

Building Katana USD Plug-ins

In our code base we have provided a ``Support.cmake`` file in order to assist
when building the Katana USD Plug-ins externally from the USD core libraries.
Building against USD can get very complex, and we have tried to simplify as
many steps as possible within our own ``fnUsd`` version. We have opted to use
CMake configurations from third-party libraries and use namespaced library
definitions in order to prevent USD writing full library paths to its own CMake
configuration when built. If you are using our ``fnUsd`` codebase as the
starting point, you should be able to follow the build steps within the
Katana USD Plug-ins codebase. If you are using your own USD library, you may
need to resolve the USD libraries yourself.

.. note::
    In order to ensure that Katana's USD library does not load plug-ins built for another USD build, it uses ``FNPXR_PLUGINPATH`` in place of the stock USD ``PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME`` environment variable.

Submitting Issues or Suggestions

Our Katana USD Plug-ins are hosted on `GitHub <https://github.com/TheFoundryVisionmongers/KatanaUsdPlugins>`_, giving us the ability to use the features provided by that code-sharing platform. Therefore, if you have any issues, encounter any bugs or have suggestions please use the GitHub issues and pull request systems, and we will track them internally. We may not accept all pull requests as we will always aim to keep the plug-in as generic and open as possible.