The NetworkMaterialEdit nodes allow artists to edit network materials that have been created using NetworkMaterialCreate nodes or brought in through lookfiles, by adding or removing shading nodes from an existing network, or by modifying any of the parameters of shading nodes in an existing Network. NetworkMaterialEdit nodes hold the functionality of the existing NetworkMaterialParameterEdit and NetworkMaterialSplice node types, but in a UI that is visually representative of how the material was originally authored.
Node Parameters
Control (UI) |
Default Value |
Function |
sceneGraphLocation |
N/A |
Type or drag the NetworkMaterial location from the Scene Graph to this field to specify which Network Material to make edits to. Note: The NetworkMaterialEdit node is designed to complement the NetworkMaterialCreate node. Only NetworkMaterial locations in your Scene Graph which have been created using a NetworkMaterialCreate, or lookfiles baked from a NetworkMaterialCreate node, can be edited using the NetworkMaterialEdit node. |
makeInteractive |
No |
When set to Yes, you can drag objects in the Viewer and Katana retains the information from the Viewer. |
parameters |
N/A |
This is where promoted parameters from with the NetworkMaterialCreate node appear. This section remains empty if no parameters have been promoted. Note: For more information on how to promote parameters, see Node Parameters and Interface Controls documentation. |
Interface Controls
Control (UI) |
Default Value |
Function |
N/A |
Click to add a new Interface Control and open its parameters. |
N/A |
Filter the list of Interface Controls by name or type. Type in the text field to start filtering. A list of matching controls are displayed. Click the Select All Matching button to display the parameters for all matching Interface Controls.
Disabled |
Toggles the display of the parameters. |
Disabled |
Adjusts the width of the Interface Control list so the full length of the control names are visible. |
Disabled |
Adjusts the height of the Interface Control list so all controls are visible. |
Note: The following parameters are only visible once an Interface Control has been created and is selected. |
state |
visibility |
The state of the parameter or page for the control to affect.
targetType |
parameter |
Select whether to apply the condition on either:
targetName |
N/A |
Specifies the name of the chosen parameter or page. Note: The name must be identical to the one that displays in the NetworkMaterial node's Material Interface. |
definitionStyle |
operator tree |
Selects how to set up the condition:
When definitionStyle: operator tree |
operators |
op |
and |
Select which expression operator to use in the operator tree:
ops |
Add |
N/A |
Select an op:
Note: The following parameters are only visible once an operator has been selected from the Add menu. |
op |
N/A |
The chosen op from the Add menu. |
path |
N/A |
Specifies the path of the parameter or page to evaluate. |
value |
N/A |
Specifies the values to compare the parameter or page values with, in order to evaluate if the condition is true. |
Material Interface
Control (UI) |
Default Value |
Function |
Name |
N/A |
A list displaying all promoted parameters, organized in the same way as they were grouped when promoted. |
Source |
N/A |
The path to each different parameter. |
Note: For more information on the uses of the Material Interface, see Node Parameters and Interface Controls documentation.