Building USD Scenes
A USD scene is composed of multiple layers.
A layer is a container that comprises of information about an asset (eg. file/object), properties on an asset, its relationships and more.
Here’s an example of how a layer might look:
• In USD, objects and locations are called Prims, and come in many forms, such as cubes, meshes, and xforms.
• Prims can have various Properties which make up its Attributes. Editing these changes the Prim itself.
• Properties also define Relationships. These are the connections and interactions between Prims.
Note: To read more about USD terminology, see OpenUSD’s USD Glossary.
How does it fit together?
In order to put together a scene, you will need various types of layers. Different layers have different functions, and certain layers naturally override others. Understanding and composing this hierarchy is key to building a USD scene. To learn about this, see Composition arcs - understanding LIVRPS.