Root { inputs 0 format "2048 1556 0 0 2048 1556 1 2K_Super_35(full-ap)" proxy_type scale proxy_format "1024 778 0 0 1024 778 1 1K_Super_35(full-ap)" } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote9 label "WipeKernel:\nA simple transition between two\ninputs." xpos -50 ypos -135 } ColorBars { inputs 0 name ColorBars1 xpos 39 ypos -65 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 name CheckerBoard6 xpos -48 ypos -65 } BlinkScript { inputs 2 ProgramGroup 1 KernelDescription "1 \"WipeKernel\" iterate componentWise e64713ed9dfa55a59dc838ebc8b1e3c0884a7a6eefc60943f38b6e7cd2e7f14a 3 \"above\" Read Point \"below\" Read Point \"dst\" Write Point 2 \"Origin\" Float 2 AABIQgAASEI= \"Angle\" Float 1 AAA0Qg==" kernelSource "kernel WipeKernel : ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise>\n\{\n Image<eRead, eAccessPoint, eEdgeClamped> above; //image to show above the line\n Image<eRead, eAccessPoint, eEdgeClamped> below; //image to show below the line\n Image<eWrite> dst; //the output image\n\n param:\n float2 origin;\n float angle;\n\n local:\n float2 vec;\n\n //In define(), parameters can be given labels and default values.\n void define() \{\n defineParam(origin, \"Origin\", float2(50.0f, 50.0f));\n defineParam(angle, \"Angle\", 45.0f);\n \}\n\n //The init() function is run before any calls to process().\n void init() \{\n vec.x = cos(angle * PI / 180.0f);\n vec.y = sin(angle * PI / 180.0f);\n \}\n\n //The process function is run at every pixel to produce the output.\n void process(int2 pos) \{\n float2 posVec; \n posVec.x = pos.x - origin.x;\n posVec.y = pos.y - origin.y;\n\n //Z value of cross product\n float val = vec.x * posVec.y - vec.y * posVec.x;\n if(val > 0.0f) \{\n dst() = above();\n \}\n else \{\n dst() = below();\n \}\n \}\n\};\n\n" rebuild "" name BlinkScript1 selected true xpos -9 ypos 25 } Viewer { frame 1 input_process false name Viewer1 xpos -9 ypos 85 }
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