Root { inputs 0 format "2048 1556 0 0 2048 1556 1 2K_Super_35(full-ap)" proxy_type scale proxy_format "1024 778 0 0 1024 778 1 1K_Super_35(full-ap)" } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 name CheckerBoard4 xpos -402 ypos -154 } BlinkScript { ProgramGroup 1 KernelDescription "1 \"ResizeKernel\" iterate componentWise 957976cb984ad538a99fd24ff8ffc23d011697020e705c14e8f3dec01ceaf4c6 2 \"src\" Read Random \"dst\" Write Point 2 \"Scale\" Float 1 AAAAPw== \"Horizontal\" Bool 1 AQ==" kernelSource "//ResizeKernel: scale the input horizontally or vertically using a bilinear filter. \nkernel ResizeKernel : ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise>\n\{\n Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeConstant> src; //Output will be black outside the original image\n Image<eWrite, eAccessPoint> dst;\n\nparam:\n float _externalScale;\n bool _horizontal; \n\nlocal:\n float _scale;\n\n void define()\n \{\n defineParam(_externalScale, \"Scale\", 0.5f);\n defineParam(_horizontal, \"Horizontal\", true);\n \}\n\n void init()\n \{\n _scale = 1.0f/_externalScale; //invert the scale as we back-map from dst to src\n \}\n\n void process(int2 pos)\n \{\n //Work out the scaled src position.\n const float xPos = (_horizontal ? (float)pos.x * _scale : (float)pos.x);\n const float yPos = (_horizontal ? pos.y : (float)pos.y * _scale);\n\n //Use a bilinear filter to get the value at that src position.\n dst() = bilinear(src, xPos, yPos); \n \}\n\n\};\n\n" rebuild "" name BlinkScript5 xpos -402 ypos -61 } BlinkScript { KernelDescription "1 \"ResizeKernel\" iterate componentWise 957976cb984ad538a99fd24ff8ffc23d011697020e705c14e8f3dec01ceaf4c6 2 \"src\" Read Random \"dst\" Write Point 2 \"Scale\" Float 1 AAAAPw== \"Horizontal\" Bool 1 AQ==" kernelSource "//ResizeKernel: scale the input horizontally or vertically using a bilinear filter. \nkernel ResizeKernel : ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise>\n\{\n Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeConstant> src; //Output will be black outside the original image\n Image<eWrite, eAccessPoint> dst;\n\nparam:\n float _externalScale;\n bool _horizontal; \n\nlocal:\n float _scale;\n\n void define()\n \{\n defineParam(_externalScale, \"Scale\", 0.5f);\n defineParam(_horizontal, \"Horizontal\", true);\n \}\n\n void init()\n \{\n _scale = 1.0f/_externalScale; //invert the scale as we back-map from dst to src\n \}\n\n void process(int2 pos)\n \{\n //Work out the scaled src position.\n const float xPos = (_horizontal ? (float)pos.x * _scale : (float)pos.x);\n const float yPos = (_horizontal ? pos.y : (float)pos.y * _scale);\n\n //Use a bilinear filter to get the value at that src position.\n dst() = bilinear(src, xPos, yPos); \n \}\n\n\};\n\n" rebuild "" ResizeKernel_Horizontal false name BlinkScript6 selected true xpos -402 ypos -18 } Viewer { frame 1 input_process false name Viewer1 xpos -402 ypos 32 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote11 label "ResizeKernel:\nA Blink resize done in two passes, \nhorizontal then vertical.\n\nThe same kernel is used for both \npasses, with different values for the\n\"horizontal\" parameter" xpos -439 ypos -244 }
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