Root { inputs 0 } Camera2 { inputs 0 translate {0.3215569854 2.016159058 4.550463676} rotate {-16.97902553 -1.092542119 0} name Camera1 xpos 1846 ypos 183 } ColorWheel { inputs 0 edgeSaturation 0 edgeValue 0 gamma 0.45 name ColorWheel1 xpos 2057 ypos -17 } BlendMat { operation plus surfaceblend modulate name BlendMat1 xpos 2057 ypos 77 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 format "640 480 0 0 640 480 1 PC_Video" color1 {0.1000000015 0.1000000015 0.1000000015 1} color3 {0.1000000015 0.1000000015 0.1000000015 1} linecolor {0.1000000015 0.1000000015 0.1000000015 1} centerlinewidth 20 name CheckerBoard1 xpos 1940 ypos -84 } Sphere { display textured+lines name Sphere3 gl_color 0x5b5b5bff xpos 1940 ypos 19 } push 0 ParticleEmitter { inputs 3 rate 2 lifetime 200 velocity 0.01 name ParticleEmitter1 xpos 1940 ypos 77 } ParticleExpression { colexpr "x(vel)>0?v(1, 0, 0):v(0, 0, 1)" opacityexpr 1-(age/life) sizeexpr (age/life)*0.2 posexpr new?randomv:pos name ParticleExpression1 xpos 1940 ypos 127 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb format "640 480 0 0 640 480 1 PC_Video" name Constant1 xpos 2050 ypos 180 } ScanlineRender { inputs 3 motion_vectors_type velocity name ScanlineRender1 xpos 1940 ypos 204 } Viewer { input_process false name Viewer1 xpos 1940 ypos 254 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote2 tile_color 0x9b9b9bff label "color = x(vel)>0?v(1, 0, 0):v(0, 0, 1)\n\nThis says:\n\nFor every particle moving along the x axis in some capacity, \nif the velocity is greater than 0 (i.e. going in the \npositive x direction), color the particle red \[v(1,0,0)].\nElse, color it blue \[v(0,0,1)]." note_font_size 18 note_font_color 0x10101ff xpos 2204 ypos -242 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote6 tile_color 0x9b9b9bff label "The age is the current age that the particle is \n(the frame count since emission).\n\nThe life is the entire time until it expires (the max lifetime).\n\n-----\n\nSo for an axample case where the max lifetime is set to 100:\n\n1-(age/lifetime)\n\n1 - (1/100) = 0.99 > close to being fully opaque\n1 - (50/100) = 0.5 > semi-transparent\n1 - (100/100) = 0 > can't see it " note_font_size 18 note_font_color 0x20202ff xpos 2203 ypos -58 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote4 tile_color 0x9b9b9bff label "pos = new?randomv:pos\ncould also be written: \nnew?v(random,random,random):pos\n\nIf the particle is new, give it a random position and direction.\nElse, give it the position it had.\n\nBasically, this is bypassing using the Sphere as the emitter." note_font_size 18 note_font_color 0x20202ff xpos 2214 ypos 239 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote3 tile_color 0x9b9b9bff label "In this example, the particles are:\n- red or blue based on the direction they are travelling in\n- fading to nothing the over their lifetime\n- increasing in size over their lifetime\n- starting from a random x, y, z position within a 1x1x1 cube\n area on the grid." note_font_size 18 note_font_color 0x10101ff xpos 1709 ypos -243 }
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