Useful Commands for System Administrators

Type all these commands from the Foundry RLM applications directory on the server. The <app path> varies by operating system:




C:\Program Files\The Foundry\LicensingTools<version>\bin\RLM\rlmutil.exe



The <data path> containing licences and log files also varies by operating system:


/Library/Application Support/TheFoundry/RLM/


C:\ProgramData\The Foundry\RLM\

Note:  The ProgramData folder may be hidden. You can make it visible using the Folder Options in the Control Panel. See Windows Hidden Files.



Is the License Server Up and Running?

<app path> rlmstat -c <data path>

I’m Using Foundry Software on Machine "blue". Which Licenses is the License Server "red" Offering?

<app path> rlmstat -c <port>@red -a

What is My System ID Number?

<app path> rlmhostid

What’s My <server_name>?

<app path> rlmhostid host

Show Me All My Licenses and Who has Checked Them Out.

<app path> rlmstat -c <data path> -a


Use a web browser to go to http://<server name>:4102 and click Status > Server Status to view license usage.

Note:  On Mac, if you’re browsing from the License Server itself, you must add .local in the browser address: http://<server_name>.local:4102.

Who Has Checked Out a Particular License?

<app path> rlmstat -c <data path> -p mari_i

I’ve been given a new floating license key, which I’ve edited into my license file, but it has not been picked up by the server. What do I do?

Launch the Foundry Licensing Utility, click License Server > Control, and then click Restart.

Alternatively, from the command-line:

<app path> rlmreread -c <data path>

You can also use a web browser to go to http://<server name>:4102 and click Reread/Restart Servers. Enter the server name you want to reread and click Reread/Restart.

Note:  On Mac OS X, If you’re browsing from the License Server itself, you must add .local in the browser address: http://<server_name>.local:4102.

My Default Debug Log File (foundry.log) is Too Big. How do I Start a New One Without Interrupting the rlm.foundry Daemon?

<app path> rlmswitch foundry october.log