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View Transform Toolbar

The View Transform Toolbar displays a number of options for managing your monitor's colorspace in Mari.

Note:  You can toggle Color Management in the Project Settings Dialog. When Color Management is disabled, you can still enable the View Transform toolbar by clicking the / Color/Scalar icon.

View Transform toolbar when Color Management is turned on:

View Transform toolbar when Color Management is turned off:

Select a channel in the Channels Palette and use the toolbar to choose the view transform and edit the LUT etc. The color icon on the left is gray if the channel contains scalar data, otherwise it is color to indicate color data. (For a more detailed explanation, see Color Data and Scalar Data).

You can change the view transform's canvas colorspace using the dropdown list, and revert to the default colorspace using the reset button.

View Transform Controls



What it does



Toggles on and off the View Transform.

Also indicates whether you are viewing color or scalar data.

- The data is considered as color data and is being color managed.

- The data is considered as non-color data, specifically scalar data, and has no color management applied.

Click to toggle.

See Color Data and Scalar Data for more information.


Select an OCIO configuration file.


Input Colorspace


Set the colorspace of the current channel or painting in the Input Colorspace dropdown.

(This is remembered for each channel.)


View Transform


The View Transform operation is applied to the canvas before it is displayed on the screen. It is typically used to convert from the working colorspace to your monitor's colorspace.



Reset the View Transform colorspace back to the default as set in the Project Settings Dialog.

If it's a color channel, the Color Monitor project setting is used.

If it's scalar, the Scalar Monitor project setting is used.



Select a custom LUT to apply to the scene.

Clear the current LUT applied to the scene.

Set whether the GPU extrapolates the grid values or clamps to the maximum value of the LUT.




View the individual channels for the scene.


F-Stop, Gain

incrementer, entry box, slider

Set the number of f-stops or the amount of gain correction applied before the view transform.

You can boost or reduce gain by entering a multiplier (exposure value), dragging on the slider, or adjusting the F-Stop value.


entry box, slider

Set the amount of gamma correction applied after the gain viewer process.

You can boost or reduce gamma by entering a gamma level or dragging on the slider.