Layers Palette

The Layers palette and the controls that can be found on it are described in the table below. When controls also bring up additional dialogs, these are referenced for more information.

What It Does

The Layers palette lets you view, create and edit layers. You can also add the following to individual layers, or layer groups:




shader layers

Note:  For shader layers, the fields that are available to each shader are the same as those in the Shaders Palette section.

Layers Palette Fields



What it does


dropdown, switch

Filter bar function that gives the choices: Name, Type, Attribute, and Color Tag. Depending on which filter option you select, the filter bar shows one of the following:

- filter for the type of layers by clicking on the associated icons.

- filter for the attributes of layers by clicking on the associated icons.

- filter for the color tags of the selected color button.

Both Type and Attribute provide icons that allow you to set the parameters for your filter.

Quickly clear the entry box by pressing the button.


Click to select from the blend mode options available for individual layers. To adjust the blend amount, enter the value into the entry box, or adjust the slider located to the right of the blend mode menu.

- adjusts the blend mode amount.

This list does not include the advanced blend mode options.


Opens the Advanced Blending menu, which gives options for blend modes and
components, as well as blend amount.




Click to toggle the selected layers’ visibility on the canvas.




Denotes whether the layer is a paint layer and, when lit, whether it is selected as the current paint target.



Denotes whether the layer is a mask layer and, when lit, whether the mask is selected as the current paint target.

Shift+click on the mask to disable it, or right-click on the layer and select Layer Mask > Disable Mask. The disabled mask button indicates the disabled state.

To enable it, Shift+click on the mask again or select Layer Mask > Enable Mask from the right-click menu.


Denotes whether the layer has a mask stack and, when lit, whether the mask stack is selected as the current layer.

Clicking on the button opens the mask stack palette.


Specifies whether the layer is an adjustment layer or if the layer contains an adjustment, also called adjustment stack .



Denotes whether the layer is a procedural layer and, when lit, whether the procedural is selected as the current layer.



Denotes whether the layer is a graph layer and, when lit, whether the graph is
selected as the current layer.



Denotes whether the layer is the parent layer of a group.




Locks or unlocks the selected layer. If the layer is the parent of a group of layers, all the layers in the group are also locked or unlocked. Clicking the padlock button when a layer is cached also unlocks it.



Specifies that the layer is shared with another layer.



Specifies that the layer is shared into the layer stack of another channel.



Adds a new paint layer to the layer stack.



Adds a mask to the selected layer or, if none is selected, the top layer in the layer stack.

If a mask has already been added to a layer, you
cannot add a second mask using this method. You must create a mask stack using the right-click menu.


Adds a mask stack to the selected layer, or if none is selected, the top layer in the layer stack.

Clicking on the mask stack button opens the mask stack palette.


Adds an adjustment layer to the layer stack.

Select adjustments from the dropdown menu when you click the button.


Adds an adjustment stack to the selected layer.

Select adjustments from the dropdown menu when you click the button. Clicking on the adjustment stack button opens the adjustment stack palette.


Adds a procedural layer to the layer stack.

Select procedurals from the dropdown menu when you click the button.


Adds a parent layer for a group to the layer stack. Additional layers can be added after the parent layer is created.



Adds a graph layer to the layer stack and Node Graph.

See Adding Graph Layers.


Duplicates the selected layer in the layer stack.

The duplicate has "copy" included in the name so that it can be differentiated from the original.


Removes the selected layer from the layer stack.



Assigns a color to the selected layers. To clear an already assigned color, click the button and select the gray color in the center of the palette. This effectively removes the color and returns it to the default color state.




entry box, slider

Controls the brightness of the paint on the model.


Adjustment/Brightness Lookup


curve editor

Adjusts the brightness to a specific lookup value using a curve map.




entry box, slider

Clamps the minimum RGB value for the
selected checkboxes below.



entry box, slider

Clamps the maximum RGB value for the
selected checkboxes below.


Components | R


If enabled, specifies that the red channel should be affected by the Min and Max sliders.


Components | G


If enabled, specifies that the green channel should be affected by the Min and Max sliders.


Components | B


If enabled, specifies that the blue channel should be affected by the Min and Max sliders.


Components | A


If enabled, specifies that the alpha channel should be affected by the Min and Max sliders.


Adjustment/Color Balance

Preserve Luminosity


Ensures that the luminosity value is
maintained when other values are adjusted.


Highlights | Cyan/Red

entry box, slider

Adjusts the scale of the Red color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards cyan, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards red. The modification applies to the texture’s highlights.


Highlights | Magenta/Green

entry box, slider

Adjusts the Green color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards magenta, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards green. The modification applies to the texture’s highlights.


Highlights |

entry box, slider

Adjusts the Blue color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards
yellow, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards blue. The modification applies to the texture’s highlights.


Shadows | Cyan/Red

entry box, slider

Adjusts the scale of the Red color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards cyan, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards red. The modification applies to the texture’s shadows.


Shadows | Magenta/Green

entry box, slider

Adjusts the Green color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards magenta, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards green. The modification applies to the texture’s shadows.


Shadows |

entry box, slider

Adjusts the Blue color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards
yellow, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards blue. The modification applies to the texture’s shadows.


Midtones | Cyan/Red

entry box, slider

Adjusts the scale of the Red color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards cyan, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards red. The modification applies to the texture’s midtones


Midtones | Magenta/Green

entry box, slider

Adjusts the Green color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards magenta, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards green. The modification applies to the texture’s midtones


Midtones | Yellow/Blue

entry box, slider

Adjusts the Blue color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards
yellow, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards blue. The modification applies to the texture’s midtones.


Adjustment/Color Lookup


curve editor

Adjusts the value of the red channel for the overall layer stack, using the curve editor.



curve editor

Adjusts the value of the green channel for the overall layer stack, using the curve editor.



curve editor

Adjusts the value of the blue channel for the overall layer stack, using the curve editor.


Adjustment/Color Switch



Turns the red channel on or off. Disabling the red channel removes it from the painting.




Turns the green channel on or off. Disabling the green channel removes it from the




Turns the blue channel on or off. Disabling the blue channel removes it from the




Turns the alpha channel on or off. Disabling the alpha channel removes it from the


Adjustment/Color to Mask

Color swatch Select a color from the color picker to convert that color to a mask. This allows a multicolored channel to be used for multiple masks.  
Error entry box, slider The tolerance level of the mask to the selected color. The lower the number, the closer the RGB value has to be to the selected color in order for it to be treated as a mask; the higher the number, the more variation that's allowed.  



entry box, slider

Adjusts the contrast for the layer stack.


Contrast Pivot

entry box, slider

Sets the point around which Contrast is


Adjustment/Copy Channel



Copies the value from one RGB color channel to the other two. The result is a grayscale image with the intensity values from the
selected channel.



Image| Tile Image

file browser

Selects the image to use on the model for flow.


Image| Repeat

entry box, slider

Sets the repetition value of the tiled image.


Animation | Animated


Enables or disables the animation.


Animation| Time Offset

entry box, slider

Adjusts the flow over time to view the effect of vector paint.


Animation| Speed

entry box, slider

Adjusts the sensitivity of Time Offset to affect the speed of flow.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the gamma levels in the layer stack.



entry box, slider

Reverses the gamma conversion. That is, a higher setting for Gamma results in a more washed-out looking image.




entry box, slider

Sets the blackpoint of the RGB values.

Blackpoint is the color value at which the input is
considered to be 100% black.


entry box, slider

Sets the whitepoint of the RGB values.

Whitepoint is the color value at which the input is considered to be 100% white.


entry box, slider

Lifts the blackpoint, while keeping the
whitepoint the same.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the whitepoint, while keeping the blackpoint the same



entry box, slider

Multiplies the value to lighten the texture while preserving the blackpoint.



entry box, slider

Specifies a fixed value to add in order to lighten the texture.

Adding negative values essentially darkens the


entry box, slider

Adjusts the midtones, while keeping the
whitepoint and blackpoint the same.



Hue Shift

entry box, slider

Adjusts the hue, as tied to the HSL, for the layer stack.


Saturation Scale

entry box, slider

Adjusts the saturation level, as tied to the HSL, for the layer stack.


Lightness Scale

entry box, slider

Adjusts the lightness level, as tied to the HSL, for the layer stack.



Hue Shift

entry box, slider

Adjusts the hue level, as tied to the HSV, for the layer stack.


Saturation Scale

entry box, slider

Adjusts the saturation level, as tied to the HSV, for the layer stack.


Value Scale

entry box, slider

Adjusts the value level, as tied to the HSV, for the layer stack.


Adjustment/Height As Normal

Bump Weight

entry box, slider

Adjusts the sensitivity of the bump weight when calculating height as a normal value.


Bump Mode


Displays the bump quickly (Fast) or accurately (Accurate).

By default, Bump Mode is set to Fast.

Bump Space


UV - Normals are calculated relative to the UV coordinates space.
The UV Bump Space mode is the more traditional approach but can lead to noticeable seams and color variations.

World - Normals are calculated relative to the World coordinates space.
Using the World Bump Space mode gives a more seamless result.

By default, Bump Space is set to UV.

Adjustment/Hue Shift


entry box, slider

Changes the RGB hue value of the paint in the layer stack.





Inverts the contents of the red color
component when checked. Uncheck the
parameter to leave the component unchanged. If there is a significant amount of red paint in your layer stack the inverse is a
significant absence of red.

It is uncommon that only one component would be selected, however if the need arises, you can choose to invert only one, or a
subset, of the four



Inverts the contents of the green color
component when checked. Uncheck the
parameter to leave the component unchanged. If there is a significant amount of green paint in your layer stack the inverse is a significant absence of green.

It is uncommon that only one component would be selected, however if the need arises, you can choose to invert only one, or a
subset, of the four



Inverts the contents of the blue color
component when checked. Uncheck the
parameter to leave the component unchanged. If there is a significant amount of blue paint in your layer stack the inverse is a significant absence of blue.

It is uncommon that only one component would be selected, however if the need arises, you can choose to invert only one, or a
subset, of the four



Inverts the contents of the alpha color
component when checked. Uncheck the
parameter to leave the component unchanged.

It is uncommon that only one component would be selected, however if the need arises, you can choose to invert only one, or a
subset, of the four



Set whether to:

Clamp Output Levels - to clamp the output values to between the white and blackpoints,

Clamp LDR - to clamp the output values to the 0-1 range, which is Byte black to white, or

Disable - to prevent Mari from clamping any of the levels.




Determines whether to apply the adjustment to the red component.




Determines whether to apply the adjustment to the green component.




Determines whether to apply the adjustment to the blue component.


Output Level | White

entry box, slider

Adjusts the white level of the output in the paint for the selected color components.


Output Level | Black

entry box, slider

Adjusts the black level of the output in the paint for the selected color component.


Input Level | Mid Mode dropdown

Choose whether levels adjustments are made under Absolute or Relative mode.

Absolute is the default mode for Mari; changing the mode to Relative changes the Input | Mid point to be relative to the black and white points.


Input Level | White

entry box, slider

Adjusts the white level of the input for the selected color component.


Input Level | Mid

entry box, slider

Adjusts the midtone level of the input for the selected color components.


Input Level | Black

entry box, slider

Adjusts the black level of the input for the selected color component.



Adjustment/Premultiply Alpha



Either pre- or post-multiplies the alpha in the selected image. If you are painting using an image without premultiplied alpha onto one with it, use this filter to perform the
premultiplication, so the images match and you avoid lines around the outside of the patch. Post-multiply works the same, but in reverse: it removes premultiplication to match images that do not have premultiplied alpha.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the color saturation of the paint in the layer stack.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the scale of the Red color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards cyan, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards red.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the Green color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards magenta, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards green.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the Blue color component. Dragging the slider to the left pulls the scale towards
yellow, whereas dragging the slider to the right pulls it towards blue.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the Alpha component.


Adjustment/Set Value



The options available in the dropdown menu are Red, Green, Blue, Alpha.



entry box, slider

Adjusting the slider modifies the value of the component selected from the dropdown menu above.





Select a color component from the options r, g, b, and a in the dropdown menu to replace the Red component with another color.
Setting r in the dropdown menu keeps the red color in the Red component.




Select a color component from the options r, g, b, and a in the dropdown menu to replace the Green component with another color.
Setting g in the dropdown menu keeps the green color in the Green component.




Select a color component from the options r, g, b, and a in the dropdown menu to replace the Blue component with another color.
Setting b in the dropdown menu keeps the blue color in the Blue component.




Select a color component from the options r, g, b, and a in the dropdown menu to replace the Alpha component with another color.
Setting a in the dropdown menu keeps the alpha color in the Alpha component.


Adjustment/Tangent To Screen

Suppress Blue


Suppresses the blue value from the
color-encoded vectors in screen space.


Adjustment/Tangent To World

Suppress Blue


Suppresses the blue value from the
color-encoded vectors in world space.


Adjustment/World To Tangent

Suppress Blue


Suppresses the blue value from the
color-encoded vectors in world space.

Flip Y dropdown Choose whether to Flip the Y axis normals or leave them as they are with normal.  




Applies an sRGB to linear colorspace
conversion. Checking Invert applies a linear to sRGB colorspace conversion.





Applies the specified color from the color swatch to the entire model.




entry box, slider

Generates a constant number across the RGB or RGBA components that may be relied upon for mathematical operations.

This number ranges from 0 to 10,000, and defaults to 1.000.



Choose whether the contact applies to the RGB or RGBA components.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the values of the X axis, which
correspond to the Red color component, to modify the color-encoded vectors.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the values of the Y axis, which
correspond to the Green color component, to modify the color-encoded vectors.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the values of the Z axis, which
correspond to the Blue color component, to modify the color-encoded vectors.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the values of the W axis, which
correspond to the Alpha component, to modify the color-encoded vectors.



Cubic Image

entry box, file browser

The environment image you want to be

This procedural cannot be cached or baked and is for display purposes only.

Falloff Start

entry box, slider

Specifies where the cubic image starts.


Falloff End

entry box, slider

Specifies where the cubic image ends.


Procedural/Projection/Cubemap Projector

Cubic Image

entry box, file browser

Select or input the filepath to the .dds cubic image to project as a texture.

This procedural cannot be cached or baked and is for display purposes only.

Note: When exporting .dds files, they should be encoded as ARGB files to avoid any complications when bringing them into Mari.

Cull Backfaces


When the checkbox is ticked, this setting ensures that projection does not affect areas facing away from the camera when factoring edge falloff.


Offset | X

entry box, incrementer

The offset of the projected image along the X axis. This affects the position of where the camera sits in the scene.


Offset | Y

entry box, incrementer

The offset of the projected image along the Y axis. This affects the position of where the camera sits in the scene.


Offset | Z

entry box, incrementer

The offset of the projected image along the Z axis. This affects the position of where the camera sits in the scene.


Rotation | X

entry box, slider

The rotation of the projected image along the X axis.

This rotates the camera for the entire scene, not just one part.

Rotation | Y

entry box, slider

The rotation of the projected image along the Y axis.

This rotates the camera for the entire scene, not just one part.

Rotation | Z

entry box, slider

The rotation of the projected image along the Z axis.

This rotates the camera for the entire scene, not just one part.

Edge Falloff | Start

entry box, slider

Modifies how far away the projection falloff starts on the model.


Edge Falloff | End

entry box, slider

Modifies how far away the projection falloff ends on the model.


Edge Falloff | Curve

curve editor

Modifies the otherwise linear shape of the edge falloff to your desired shape.


Distance Falloff | Start

entry box, incrementer

Modifies the falloff start distance. From
0-100; 100 represents straight-on projection.


Distance Falloff | End

entry box, incrementer

Modifies the falloff end distance. From 0-100; 100 represents straight-on projection.


Distance Falloff | Curve

curve editor

Modifies the otherwise linear shape of the
distance falloff to your desired shape.


Procedural/Projection/Sphere Map

Sphere Map

file browser

The environment image you want to be

This procedural cannot be cached or baked and is for display purposes only.

Falloff Start

entry box, slider

Specifies where the spherical image starts.


Falloff End

entry box, file browser

Specifies where the spherical image ends.


Procedural/Projection/Sphere Map Projector

Spherical Image

file browser

Uses a spherical image of any file type as a
texture to project onto the model. Select the filepath to the spherical image to project as a texture.


Cull Backfaces


When the checkbox is ticked, this setting ensures that projection does not affect areas facing away from the camera when factoring edge falloff.


Offset | X

entry box, incrementer

The offset of the projected image along the X axis. This affects the position of where the camera sits in the scene.


Offset | Y

entry box, incrementer

The offset of the projected image along the Y axis. This affects the position of where the camera sits in the scene.


Offset | Z

entry box, incrementer

The offset of the projected image along the Z axis. This affects the position of where the camera sits in the scene.


Rotation | X

entry box, slider

The rotation of the projected image along the X axis.

This rotates the camera for the entire scene, not just one part.

Rotation | Y

entry box, slider

The rotation of the projected image along the Y axis.

This rotates the camera for the entire scene, not just one part.

Rotation | Z

entry box, slider

The rotation of the projected image along the Z axis.

This rotates the camera for the entire scene, not just one part.

Edge Falloff | Start

entry box, slider

Modifies how far away the projection falloff starts on the model.


Edge Falloff | End

entry box, slider

Modifies how far away the projection falloff ends on the model.


Edge Falloff | Curve

curve editor

Modifies the otherwise linear shape of the edge falloff to your desired shape.


Distance Falloff | Start

entry box, incrementer

Modifies the falloff start distance. From
0-100; 100 represents straight-on projection.


Distance Falloff | End

entry box, incrementer

Modifies the falloff end distance. From 0-100; 100 represents straight-on projection.


Distance Falloff | Curve

curve editor

Modifies the otherwise linear shape of the
distance falloff to your desired shape.


Procedural/Projection/Triplanar Projection

World Scale

entry box

Gives overall scale control for the image


Top | Top Image

file browser

Specifies the location of the image you want to project onto the top of your model.


Top | Top Repeat

entry box, slider

Specifies the frequency at which the image is repeated across the top of your model.


Top | Top Angle

entry box, slider

Specifies the rotation angle of the image on the top of your model.


Top | Top U Offset

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the top of your model is offset by on the U axis.


Top | Top V Offset

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the top of your model is offset by on the V axis.


Top | Top U Scale

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the top of your model is stretched or contracted on the U axis.


Top | Top V Scale

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the top of your model is stretched or contracted on the V axis.


Top | Top Falloff Start

entry box, slider

Controls where the image projection starts on the top of the model.


Top | Top Falloff End

entry box, slider

Controls where the image projection ends on the top of the model.


Top | Top Falloff

curve editor

Controls the falloff of the image projection between the start and end values on the top of the model.


Front | Front Image

file browser

Specifies the location of the image you want to project onto the front of your model.


Front | Front Repeat

entry box, slider

Specifies the frequency at which the image is repeated across the front of your model.


Front | Front Angle

entry box, slider

Specifies the rotation angle of the image on the front of your model.


Front | Front U

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the front of your model is offset by on the U axis.


Front | Front V

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the front of your model is offset by on the V axis.


Front | Front U Scale

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the front of your model is stretched or contracted on the U axis.


Front | Front V Scale

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the front of your model is stretched or contracted on the V axis.


Front | Front Falloff Start

entry box, slider

Controls where the image projection starts on the front of the model.


Front | Front Falloff End

entry box, slider

Controls where the image projection ends on the front of the model.


Front | Front Falloff

curve editor

Controls the falloff of the image projection between the start and end values on the front of the model.


Right | Right Image

file browser

Specifies the location of the image you want to project onto the side of your model.


Right | Right Repeat

entry box, slider

Specifies the frequency at which the image is repeated across the side of your model.


Right | Right Angle

entry box, slider

Specifies the rotation angle of the image on the side of your model.


Right | Right U

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the side of your model is offset by on the U axis.


Right | Right V

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the side of your model is offset by on the V axis.


Right | Right U Scale

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the side of your model is stretched or contracted on the U axis.


Right | Right V Scale

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image on the side of your model is stretched or contracted on the V axis.


Right | Right Falloff Start

entry box, slider

Controls where the image projection starts on the side of the model.


Right | Right Falloff End

entry box, slider

Controls where the image projection ends on the side of the model.


Right | Right Falloff

curve editor

Controls the falloff of the image projection between the start and end values on the side of the model.


Procedural/Lighting/Environment Light

Sharpness entry box, slider Adjusts the sharpness of the reflections on the model, with higher values increasing the sharpness and lower values decreasing it. This procedural cannot be cached or baked and is for display purposes only.

Procedural/Geometry/Ambient Occlusion



Procedural/Geometry/Selection Mask

Procedural/Geometry/Surface Normal


Procedural/Geometry/UDIM Mask


entry box

Enter the UDIM number of the UDIM you want to unmask.



Procedural/Geometry/UV Mask



entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the cloud pattern.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the roughness of the cloud pattern. Dragging the slider to lower values smooths out the transition from color A to color B.


Offsets | X Offset

entry box, slider

Moves the pattern across the model on the x axis.


Offsets | Y Offset

entry box, slider

Moves the pattern across the model on the y axis.


Offsets | Z Offset

entry box, slider

Moves the pattern across the model on the z axis.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the turbulence pattern.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the roughness of the turbulence
pattern. Dragging the slider to lower values smooths out the transition from color A to color B.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the oil pattern.



entry box, slider

Sets the overall organic quality of the oil



entry box, slider

Adjusts the roughness of the oil pattern.
Dragging the slider to lower values smooths out the transition from color A to color B.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the cellular pattern.




Sets how color A and color B are used in the pattern.


Distance Method


Changes the shape of the cells to affect the distance the cells are from each other.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used to the pattern’s color A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the noise pattern.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the squiggle pattern.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color B input.


Procedural/Procedural/ Pattern/Cube


entry box, slider

Specifies the repetition frequency of the cube pattern.



entry box, slider

Sets the spacing between the cubes in the


Fall Off

entry box, slider

Adjusts the falloff amount between the cubes.



entry box, slider

Adjusts how much the cubes are rounded off.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color B input.


Procedural/Procedural/Pattern/Object Space Linear Gradient


entry box, slider

Sets the start point on the object for Color B of the gradient.



entry box, slider

Sets the end point of Color B, where Color A begins, on the object of the gradient.



curve editor

Set the color A and color B transitions for the gradient using points on a curve.


Rotation | X

entry box, slider

Adjusts how the gradient appears on the model by rotating the gradient on the X axis.


Rotation | Y

entry box, slider

Adjusts how the gradient appears on the model by rotating the gradient on the Y axis.


Rotation | Z

entry box, slider

Adjusts how the gradient appears on the model by rotating the gradient on the Z axis.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the gradient’s A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the gradient’s B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the spherical pattern.



curve editor

Adjusts the falloff amount between the spheres.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color B input.



Tile Image

file browser

The image you want to have tiled across the model.


Rotation Angle (Degrees)

entry box, slider

Changes the angle of rotation for the tiled image.


Offset | U Offset

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image is offset by on the U axis.


Offset | V Offset

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image is offset by on the V axis.


Repeat | U Repeat

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image is repeated on the U axis.


Repeat | V Repeat

entry box, slider

Specifies how much the image is repeated on the V axis.


Mirror | Mirror U

entry box, slider

Sets whether the tiled image is mirrored on the U axis.


Mirror | Mirror V

entry box, slider

Sets whether the tiled image is mirrored on the V axis.


Procedural/Procedural/Pattern/UV Grid



Sets the color to be used for the grid lines.



entry box, slider

Specifies the repeat rate for the grid on the model’s surface.



entry box, slider

Sets the thickness of the grid lines.


Procedural/Procedural/Pattern/UV Linear Gradient


entry box, slider

Sets the start point on the UV patches for Color B of the gradient.



entry box, slider

Sets the end point of Color B, where Color A begins, on the UV patches of the gradient.



curve editor

Set the color A and color B transitions for the gradient in UV space using points on a curve.



entry box, slider

Specifies the angle of the linear gradient on the UV patches.



entry box, slider

Sets how much the linear gradient is repeated across the UV patches.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the gradient’s A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the gradient’s B input.




entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the wood pattern across the entire model.



entry box, slider

Adjusts the size of the individual bands in the wood pattern.


Noise | Size

entry box, slider

Adjusts the amount of the noise in the bands of the wood pattern.


Noise | Roughness

entry box, slider

Adjusts the roughness of the wood pattern. Dragging the slider to lower values makes the transition from color A to color B more


Stretch | X

entry box, slider

Stretches the wood pattern across the model on the x axis.


Stretch | Y

entry box, slider

Stretches the wood pattern across the model on the y axis.


Stretch | Z

entry box, slider

Stretches the wood pattern across the model on the z axis.


Color | Color A


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color A input.


Color | Color B


Sets the color to be used for the pattern’s color B input.