Open an Image Dialog

The Open Image dialog is described below with functions for how to access it. A list of the controls on the dialog can be found in the table below.

What It Does

Allows you to choose an image from somewhere on your machine or network for use in environment lighting and the Image Manager. Image files can be opened in Mari using this dialog, so long as they are of a valid file format, shown in the File of type field in the table below.

How to Access It

Right-click | Image Manager Palette > Open

Image Manager Palette >

Right-click | Lights Palette > Environment > Image >

Open Image Dialog Fields



What it does


Look in


The directory containing the files to import. Select a recent directory from the dropdown, or use the navigation controls described below.

Make sure you check the path and name carefully. Mari defaults to the last place you imported from. Don't risk overwriting your textures!


Goes back to the previous directory.



Goes forward to the next directory that you have browsed.

Only available if you have already browsed back using the back button.

Goes up one level in the directory hierarchy.


Creates a new folder in the current directory.


Displays the contents of the directory as icons and names only.

button Displays the contents of the directory as a details view, with a sort option at the top of the listing.  


information Lists the name of the files or folder in the selected directory. The files that are shown are only those that are of a valid file format.


information Lists the file or folder size.  


information Displays what kind of file the item is, for example, a folder or a .jpg file.  

Date Modified

information Lists the date that the file was last opened or modified.  

File name

entry box Type a file name into the field to open the image with a specific name in the Image Manager.  
File of type dropdown

Lists the file formats that are able to be opened in Mari or brought into the Image Manager.


Advanced Options



The colorspace the image data is converted to. Automatic is determined by the file name, size, and type of data in the channel. OCIO colorspace roles are also displayed in this list.




Premultiply - If there is an alpha channel, divides color data by the alpha before converting from the colorspace, and then multiplies by the alpha afterwards. This corrects the color of the partially-transparent pixels produced by most renderers.

Leave - Does not premultiply.

Remove - Imports only the RGB data, discarding the alpha channel altogether.