3. Mari 4 - Working With Projects in Mari
Part of Mari 4 - Fundamentals and Best Practice.
In the Video
• Project management inside of Mari
• Setting up a new project
• Channels
Test Your Knowledge
1. | How is Mari different to other painting applications when saving work? |
Mari saves all your work inside the project whereas other applications use versions.
What palette is used to update the current geometry and add new geometry to the project?
The Objects palette
2. | How do you update geometry to newer versions? |
Open the Objects palette, select the object to be updated. Right-click and select Add Version.
3. | How do you select the version of geometry you want displayed? |
In the properties panel below the Objects window, select the desired version from the Geometry section.
Create a new project using the camera model. Leaving all settings at default and add an environment map of your choice. In the new project, add a new version of the camera model using the same camera model (for the purpose of this exercise). Check the geometry versions dropdown list to verify there is another version.