Scratches Node

Access: Nodes > Procedural > Pattern > Scratches

The Scratches node generates iterations of scratch-like lines in UV space. This node can be used to replicate scratches, creases and general wear on the surface of an object. The scratches node can be used as a height map to indent the pattern, a mask to scratch through to a material underneath, or both.

Scratches used as Height Map and Mask with Varying Parameters

Scratches Node Inputs


The position for the scratches to be generated at. If nothing is input, this will default to world space.

Scratches Node Outputs




This outputs the generated scratched pattern.

Scratches Node Properties


text field

A lower scale means an increased density of smaller scratches, and a higher scale means fewer and larger scratches.


Scale: 1 Scale: 10 Scale: 50


text field

The scratches are applied in iterations rather than individual scratches. This value will determine the number of iterations to apply.

Octaves: 1 Octaves: 5 Octaves: 10


text field, slider

The scale factor of each successive iteration.

Increment: 0.1 Increment: 1 Increment: 1.7


text field, slider

The width of the scratch lines.

Width: 0.1 Width: 0.5 Width: 1

Width Variation

text field, slider

Higher values thin the scratch lines in a random fashion.

Width Variation: 0 Width Variation: 0.5 Width Variation: 1

Length Variation

text field, slider

Higher values shorten the length of the scratch lines in a random fashion.

Length Variation: 0 Length Variation: 0.5 Length Variation: 1


text field, slider

Controls the edge fade of the scratch lines. Lower values make the edges more crisp.

Softness: 0 Softness: 0.5 Softness: 1


text field, slider

The opacity of the scratches.

Opacity: 0.1 Opacity: 0.5 Opacity: 1


text field, slider

Controls how smooth the edges of the scratch lines are by flattening jagged edges.

Smoothness: 0 Smoothness: 0.5 Smoothness: 1


text field, slider

Controls how jittery the path of the scratch lines appear by adding curves along the lines.

Waviness: 0 Waviness: 0.5 Waviness: 1

Waviness Scale

text field, slider

Controls the scale of Waviness. Smaller values make the path of the scratch line jitter more frequently.

Waviness Scale: 1 Waviness Scale: 3 Waviness Scale: 5


text field, slider

Controls the alignment of the scratch lines.

Rotation: 2.1 Rotation: 2.2 Rotation: 2.3

Rotation Variation

text field, slider

Controls how much each scratch line deviates from the Rotation value. Lower values bring all of the scratches into closer alignment.


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