Vector Split Node

Access: Nodes > Misc > Vector Split

The Vector Split node splits apart a vector into its individual components (R, G, B, A). This node can be useful if you want to isolate a certain color from a vector in order to make adjustments to it separately or to extract it entirely from and image or map.

Example Vector input

R Output

G Output

B Output

A Output

Vector Split Node Inputs


This input takes the vector to be split apart. If nothing is plugged in, this defaults to the value in the Default attribute in the node properties.

Vector Split Node Outputs


This will output the red component of the Input vector in the format (R,R,R,1).


This will output the green component of the Input vector in the format (G,G,G,1).


This will output the blue component of the Input vector in the format (B,B,B,1).


This will output the alpha component of the Input vector in the format (A,A,A,1).

Vector Split Node Properties


color select

This defines the default vector to split apart if the node has nothing connected to it's Input port.