Importing and Exporting Shelves and Items

You can import and export shelves, and items in shelves, for example to share with other Mari users.

Tip:  You can “Import” or “Load” all items from an exported shelf into a selected shelf. “Import” means to add the items you're importing to those already there, and “Load” means to replace all items there with the ones you're loading.

1.   To export a shelf, right-click anywhere in the shelf and select Save Shelf.

The Save Shelf dialog box displays.

2.   Navigate to where you want to save the shelf, give it a name, and click Save.

Mari saves the shelf as an .msh (Mari shelf) file.

3.   To import all items from a shelf that's been exported, into the Personal, Project or a custom shelf, right-click anywhere in that shelf and select Import Shelf.

The Import Shelf dialog box displays.

4.   Navigate to the folder that contains the .msh file you want to import, select it and click Open.

Mari adds that shelf's items to the selected shelf.

5.   To replace all items in the Personal, Project or a custom shelf, with items from a shelf that's been exported, right-click anywhere in that shelf and select Load Shelf.

Mari warns you that all items in the current shelf will be replaced.

6.   Click OK.

The Load Shelf dialog box displays.

7.   Navigate to the folder that contains the .msh file you want to load, select it and click Open.

Mari replaces all items in the selected shelf with those from the shelf you loaded.

8.   To export an item from a shelf, right-click it and select Save Item.

The Save Item dialog box displays.

9.   Navigate to the folder where you want to save the item, give it a name and click Save.

Mari saves the item as an .msi (Mari shelf item) file.

10.   To import an item that's been exported, to the Personal, Project or a custom shelf, right-click anywhere in that shelf, and select Load Item.

The Import Shelf dialog box displays.

11.   Navigate to the folder that contains the .msi file you want to import, select it and click Open.

Mari adds that item to the selected shelf.

Note:  Importing custom Photoshop brushes automatically displays them in Mari in a custom shelf. For details on importing custom brushes into a new shelf, please refer to Importing a Custom Brush.

Tip:  Another learning exercise: create a custom shelf, add an item to it, export the item, export the shelf, create another custom shelf, import the item you exported from the first shelf into the second shelf, import all items you exported from the first shelf into the second shelf (import shelf), replace all items in the second shelf with the items you exported, from the first shelf (load shelf), and delete both shelves!