Add Paint/Bake Point Dialog

The Add Paint/Bake Point dialog is described below with functions for how to access it. A list of the controls on the dialog box can be found in the table below.

What It Does

This allows you to add an image set for your Paint node.

How to Access It

Right-click | Node Graph > Create Paint node

keyboard | P


Right-click |Nodes > Misc > Bake Point.

Add Paint/Bake Point Fields



What it does

Opens this dialog box




Patch size for the new channel. Either 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096, 8192x8192, 16384x16384, or 32768x32768.





Color depth for the new channel. Either 8bit (Byte), 16bit (Half), or 32-bit (Float).



File Space


The type of file space used for vector painting: Normal, Vector, Vector (flipped Y), or Normal (flipped Y).



Color swatch You can select the leftmost Color square to spawn color picker, or use any of the preset colors (white, black, mid grey, normal, transparent alpha). Any saved Preset Colors can also be accessed here via the button. Select Color Dialog  


Color Data | Colorspace


The colorspace the channel data is converted to. Automatic is determined by the file name, size, and type of data in the channel. OCIO colorspace roles are also displayed in this list.


Color Data | Raw Data


When checked, the image-set/channel is treated as raw numbers, so no color conversion is applied upon processing the data.



Color Data | Scalar Data


When checked, the data in the image-set/channel is considered as non-color data such as masks, heights, normals, and depths, so Mari stops applying the viewport colorspace LUT when such channel/image-set is displayed in isolation.

For example, when you are viewing a scalar channel through "Current Channel" shader, Mari applies no viewport colorspace LUT.


See Color Data and Scalar Data for more information.

Mask Data | Colorspace


The colorspace the channel mask data is converted to. Automatic is determined by the file name, size, and type of data in the channel.

OCIO colorspace roles are also displayed in this list.



Mask Data | Raw Data


When checked, the image-set/channel is treated as raw numbers, so no color conversion is applied upon processing the data.



Mask Data | Scalar Data


When checked, the data in the image-set/channel is considered as non-color data such as masks, heights, normals, and depths, so Mari stops applying the viewport colorspace LUT when such channel/image-set is displayed in isolation.

For example, when you are viewing a scalar channel through "Current Channel" shader, Mari applies no viewport colorspace LUT.