Ready-to-use Shelf Content
The Shelf Palette contains a range of brushes, materials, and smart masks for you to use.
Note: You can find further information about each item by hovering your mouse over the item in the Shelf. This will display a pane with key details.
Tip: Select any brush from the shelf to start painting with it.
Tip: Drag materials and smart masks directly from the shelf into your node graph to start using them.
Select each heading to see what each shelf section includes:
Smart Masks
Designed by industry professional, Stuart Ansley, this shelf contains over 50 Smart Masks and Utilities. These will help you in creating versatile textures with breakups and details, allowing for more realistic and interesting designs. Using the Utilities, you can now easily modify the position and placements of their textures, giving you greater control over the final look.
Tip: Once you’ve added them to your node graph, the Smart Masks and Utilities nodes also have more detailed tooltips which give further information about their usage and controls.
Note: The shelf includes Basic Smart Masks, Grunge Maps and Utilities. Expand the headings below for more information on each of these.
Note: To learn more about using Smart Masks, see Smart Mask Node.
Utilities Example: Using 3D Placement
This example shows how to use a utility node from the shelf to manipulate the placement of a procedural.
1. | Add a 3D Placement node to your node graph from the Smart Masks Shelf (you can drag it directly into the node graph). |
2. | Create a Cloud node (Nodes > Procedural > Fractal > Cloud) in your node graph. |
3. | Plug the Output of 3D placement in the Position input of the Cloud node. |
4. | You can now use the utility tools to manipulate the rotation/scale/position in the Node Properties of the Smart Mask. |