Help Functions

A list of the functions for accessing the documentation and training information in Mari can be found in the table below.


How to access it

What it does


Create an example Mari project

Menubar | Help > Create Example Project

Creates an example project using the Blacksmith Head model.  
Create an example Mari material design project Menubar | Help > Create Example Material Design Project Creates an example material design project using the materialGeo model.  

View information about Mari

Menubar | Help > About

Displays the Mari info screen.

About this release, credits, and so on.

View the Mari Release Notes

Menubar | Help > Release Notes

Displays a web page that links to the release notes.


View the Mari Training Resources web page.

Menubar | Help > Training and Tutorials

Displays a web page with links to user guide assets and video


View the Mari Online Help

Menubar | Tools > Foundry Online Help

Displays the Online Help where you can find information on how to work with Mari and a Reference Guide.


Make changes to your license

Menubar | Tools > License

Lets you:

purchase, activate, and install licenses,

tell Mari where to find a license server,

obtain 15-day trial licenses,

see how many days remain before your license expires (if you are using a temporary license),

see your System ID (if you are using a node locked license), and

see your server name (if you are using a floating license).

Mari Licensing

View Software API Overview

Menubar | Help > SDK > API Overview

Displays the Software API Overview documentation.

An introduction to Python in Mari and GLSL shaders.

View the Python API documentation and examples.

Menubar | Help > SDK > Python

Displays the Python API
documentation and a list of examples.


View the C API
documentation and examples.

Menubar | Help > SDK > C API

Displays the C API documentation and a list of examples.