Project Functions

A list of the functions used on the project level, such as shortcuts and menu items to open or close a project, can be found in the table below.


How to access it

What it does

Opens this
dialog box


New project

Menubar | File > New

Keyboard | Ctrl/Cmd+N

Projects tab | New

Projects tab | Right-click > New

Toolbar |

Creates a new project.

New Project Dialog

Name the project, select options, and add geometry.

Open a

Projects tab | Right-click > Open

Projects tab | Double-click

Opens the selected
project (the project you right-clicked on).



Open recent

Menubar | File > Open >
<project name>

Opens a project, from a list of the last 10
projects opened.



Export a session

Menubar | File > Session > Export Session

Exports your current session of Mari, including specific objects, colorspace, channels, patches, lights, projectors, subdivision, Ambient Occlusion, and so on, within it to an .msf file that others can import into their Mari session.



Import a session

Menubar | File >Session > Import Session

Imports a session, either as a new project or into an existing project, from an .msf file.



Import channels

Menubar | File > Session > Import Channels

Imports specific channels from an .msf file into your existing project.



Import shaders

Menubar | File > Session > Import Shaders

Imports specific shaders from an .msf file into your existing project.



Import Node Graphs

Menubar | File > Session > Import Node Graphs

Imports specific Node Graphs from an .msf file into your existing project.



Rename project

Menubar | File > Rename

Renames the current project.

This doesn't change the file name, only the name of the project in the Projects tab.

Rename Current Project


Adjust project colorspace settings

Menubar | File > Settings

Set the colorspace options for the project, changing it on a global level.

Project Settings Dialog


Save project

Menubar | File > Save

Keyboard | Ctrl/Cmd+S

Toolbar |

Saves the current



Close project

Menubar | File > Close

Keyboard | Ctrl/Cmd+W

Toolbar |

Closes the current

Save Changes Before

(if unsaved changes)


Quit Mari

Menubar | File > Quit

Keyboard | Ctrl/Cmd+Q

Closes the current project and Mari.

Save Changes Before


(if unsaved changes)


Delete project

Projects tab | Delete

Projects tab | Right-click > Delete

Deletes the selected
project from disk.



Open archive

Projects tab | Open Archive button

Projects tab | Right-click > Open Archive

Opens a project from an archive file.

Import Archive



Projects tab | Archive

Projects tab | Right-click > Archive

Saves the selected
project to disk as a Mari archive (.mra) file.


The archive includes all the supporting files required for the

(duplicate) project

Projects tab | Duplicate

Projects tab | Right-click > Duplicate

Creates a copy of the selected project.
The new copy appears in the Projects tab.