Choosing and Organizing Toolbars
To select and position toolbars:
1. | To select which default toolbars to display, right-click an empty spot on the toolbar area, and select from the dropdown menu (as for opening palettes, above). |
The default toolbars are:
• Ptex - Ptex settings (changing face resolution, texel density, and so on).
• Channels - buttons to switch between the four default views for painting (Channel, Stack, Layer, and Paint).
• Navigation - buttons to set your navigation preferences while moving around the canvas.
• Tool Properties - lets you set the properties for the current tool.
• Project - common project functions (New project, Open, Save, and so on).
• Lighting - buttons to switch between the three lighting modes and to toggle shadows on or off.
• Painting - buttons to clear the paint buffer.
• Tools - all the painting tools.
• Selection - buttons to switch between three selection modes (objects, patches, and faces) when using the Select tool.
• Canvas - view options for the UV and 3D views.
• Mirroring - buttons to switch between four paint mirroring settings.
• Vector Painting - enable the vector grid and quickly set up vector shaders.
• Colorspace - lets you specify your colorspace and the settings associated with your choice.
2. | To position a toolbar, click the drag control at its left or top edge, and: |
• move - drag to another position.
• undock - drag to the middle of the canvas, or outside the main Mari window.
• dock - drag to an edge of the canvas (left, right, or top - not bottom); the side of the canvas expands to “grab” the toolbar.
• resize - drag left or right, or up or down.
Tip: If the toolbar is too small to fit all of its items, a double chevron appears at the end (»). Click this to see all the tools in the bar, or resize and position the toolbar to see all items.