Overriding Mari Configuration File

You can also use environment variables to override any setting in the Mari configuration file named Mari7.1v1.conf (on Linux) or Mari7.1v1.ini (on Windows and Mac). This file contains all user settings that are not project specific. By default, you can find it in the following sub-directory of your home directory:

.config/TheFoundry (on Linux),

.mari\TheFoundry (on Windows), or

.config/TheFoundry (on Mac).

Here's a short example of what you may find the Mari configuration file:









To override a setting in the Mari configuration file, you need to set an environment variable of the format MARI_<Group>_<Name>. So, for example, if you wanted to override the application thread count setting in the above example file and set it to two rather than five, you could set MARI_APPLICATION_THREADCOUNT to 2.

Article:  Take a look at the Mari - extended environment variables article.