Contrast Node

Access: Nodes > Filter > Contrast

The Contrast node is a filter node that adjusts the input data by linearly adjusting the difference in luminosity between the light and dark areas of a source texture.

Contrast node's default settings

Contrast node's increased Contrast

Contrast node's increased Contrast,
decreased Contrast Pivot

Contrast Node Inputs

Input - Any nodes containing textures or paint that need to be altered can be connected to the Contrast node, for example, Tiled and Paint nodes.

Contrast Node Properties

floating point control
Adjusts the difference in luminosity between light and dark areas.
Contrast Pivot
floating point control
Sets the point around which Contrast is adjusted.

Contrast: Node Graph Workflow Example

Example - Achieving Contrast Operation

In the example below, let’s use a Contrast node to emphasize the dark brown pigments of the model.

1.   Add a Paint node.

Adding a Paint node.

This is the original texture.

The model has some dark brown pigments on his face.

2.   Create a Contrast node.
Connect the Paint node to the input of the Contrast node.

Adding a Contrast node to the Paint node output.

3.   Open the node Properties of the Contrast node and set the Contrast parameter of the Contrast node to 1.200.

Notice how the dark brown pigments now look darker.

Contrast node’s Contrast set to 1.200.
The dark brown pigments now look darker.

Related Nodes

Tiled node

Paint node

Triplanar Projection node