
Note:  Results may not be as expected if you do not use the Environment Light in the Lights palette when using this shader.



What it does



toggle Toggles the influence of channels connected to the shader without disconnecting them from the shader input.   Displacement is toggled off by default.
Inputs | Base Color dropdown The channel controlling the overall diffuse color of the material.    
Inputs | Roughness dropdown The channel controlling how rough the material is. Rough materials scatter reflected light in more directions than smooth materials.    
Inputs | Metallic dropdown The channel specifying the areas on the material that have a metallic effect, with results being determined by values between 0 and 1.    
Inputs | Specular dropdown The channel specifying the non-metallic areas on the material where the specularity is visible.    
Inputs | Ambient Occlusion dropdown The channel used to specify the self-shadowing that occurs on an occluded object.    
Inputs | Normal dropdown The channel containing the Normal map, used to give additional physical details to a surface.    
Inputs | Bump dropdown The channel containing the bump map to show as a perturbed lighting.    
button Inverts the channel values of the selected channel.    

Inputs | Emissive Color


The channel controlling the color of the emissive (glow) qualities on the shaded surface.



Inputs | Vector dropdown

The channel controlling the vector field and resulting vector data from paint on the shaded surface.


This data is used by the vector inspector.
Inputs | Displacement dropdown

The channel containing the
displacement map and dynamic
tessellation to show a more advanced preview of displacement.


This component is disabled for Ptex channels.
button Adds a new channel for the shader component. Add Channel Dialog  

Displacement | Displacement Bias

text field, slider

How much the white or black values are pushed or pulled from the surface.


From 0.000 to 1.000; defaults to 0.500.

Displacement | Displacement Scale

text field, slider

How much displacement is applied to the shaded surface. Lower values equal smaller displacement; higher values equal larger and more obvious


From 0.000 to 1.000; defaults to 0.500.

Displacement | Displacement Range

text field

What the range of displacement is. This setting is multiplied by the
Displacement Scale to give the



Displacement | Max Tessellation

text field, slider

How many texels the surface is
tessellated to.


From 1.000 to 64.000; defaults to 10.000.

Displacement | Perturb Normals


Selecting yes changes the

displacement so that displacement moves the surface but leaves the

surface normals as they are.



Bump | Bump Weight

text field, slider

How much weight the bump map has. Lower values are smaller bumps, higher values are larger and more
obvious displacements.


From 0.000 to 10.000; defaults to 0.100.

Bump| Bump Mode


Displays bump quickly (Fast), accurately (Accurate), or less accurately (Fastest).


By default, Bump Mode is set to Fast.

While Fastest is very fast, it works better with live procedural layers rather than painted or cached layers.

Bump |Bump Space


UV - Normals are calculated relative to the UV coordinates space.
The UV Bump Space mode is the more traditional approach but can lead to noticeable seams and color variations.

World - Normals are calculated relative to the World coordinates space.
Using the World Bump Space mode gives a more seamless result.


By default, Bump Space is set to UV.