
Cellular Default

The Cubes texture is one of the many procedurally generated textures provided with Modo. Procedural textures are mathematically created at render-time, and therefore have no fixed resolution, they can be magnified nearly infinitely with no visual loss in detail. The Cubes texture can be addressed by its two zones, the Background and Foreground colors. The texture modulates from one zone to the other based on your settings. Each zone can have either a Value or a Color and Alpha. The applied zone is dependent on the Layer Effects to which the texture is applied. For instance, if the texture is applied as a Displacement, the Value settings would be used, whereas setting the texture effect to Diffuse Color would use the Color and Alpha settings for Background and Foreground. The look of this particular shader provides a tri-colored isometric cube pattern.

Note:  For information regarding adding and working with Shader Tree item layers, see the Shader Tree topic.

Note:  Due to the nature of this procedural, the default Solid projection method produces no result. When applied, you need to modify the projection in the associated Texture Locator to a different type. To select the texture locator, press the small + icon preceding the layer name in the Shader Tree and click on the layer once revealed. In the Properties Panel, change the Projection Type to a UV map (highly recommended) or choose one of the geometric projections, such as Planar, Cylindrical, Spherical, and so on, and size the texture accordingly.

Layer Properties


Toggles the effect of the layer on and off. This duplicates the functionality of toggling visibility in the Shader Tree. When disabled, the layer has no effect on the shading of the scene. However, Modo saves disabled layers with the scene, and they are persistent across Modo sessions.


Inverts the colors (RGB values) for the layer to produce a negative effect.

Blend Mode

Affects the blending between different layers of the same effect type. With this, you can stack several layers for different effects.

For more about blending, see Layer Blend Modes.


Changes the transparency of the current layer. If there are layers below this layer in the Shader Tree, reducing this value increasingly reveals the lower layers. Reducing the value always dims the effect of the layer.


Sets the association for the Texture Locator. Most texture layers have a Texture Locator that Modo automatically creates in the Item List. This defines the mapping of the texture (how Modo applies the texture) to the surface. You can specify alternate locators, but this is normally not required. Although you may want multiple texture items to share a single locator.

Projection Type

Defines how a texture/material is applied to a 3D surface. Types vary significantly in their effects. For a guide to each Projection Type see Projection Type Samples.

Projection Axis

The texture/material is projected down this axis. This applies to Planar, Cylindrical, Spherical, Cubic, Box, and, Light Probe projection types.

Cubes Properties

Emodo Properties

Tiles - Cubes

Regional Seed

The Seed value is the initial number used when generating the procedural values. Different Seed values produce different random variations and can be useful in changing the texture result, however, you need to use the same Seed value when it is necessary for items to retain the same variations.

Size Controls

U Repeats

Determines the number of times the pattern repeats in the U direction (horizontally).

V Repeats

Determines the number of times the pattern repeats in the V direction (vertically).

Disturb Controls - Alters the look of the generated procedural. The noise layer distorts the base texture based on the Disturb Magnitude.

Disturb Noise Type

Specifies the look of the texture distortion, with several noise function types provided:


Enhanced Perlin



Gradient Value




Disturb Octaves

Similar to the Patch Levels setting, the Disturb Octaves value specifies the number of layers of noise when distorting the texture, in effect producing greater detail.

Disturb Magnitude

Specifies the strength of the distortion effect on the base procedural.

Disturb Scale

Specifies the size (scale) of the distortion effect on the base procedural.

Disturb Detail

Specifies the step size between each iteration of the noise used to disturb the texture.

Full 3D Distortion

Turns on full 3D distortion, which yields better results, but takes longer to render.

Output Controls

Lower Clip

Specifies a clip level for the Background Color/Value, truncating values beyond the defined setting. Combined with the Upper Clip value, you can apply this option to extend or contract the total range of values for the texture.

Upper Clip

Specifies a clip level for the Foreground Color/Value, truncating values beyond the defined setting. Combined with the Lower Clip value, you can apply this option to extend or contract the total range of values for the texture.


Increasing this value causes the texture to favor the foreground color over the background color, whereas decreasing the value causes the background color to be favored.


Similar to a gamma control that affects the falloff of the gradient ramp between the two color values. Setting the Gain to 100% creates a very sharp falloff effect, whereas setting the value to 0% creates a plateau around the value or color mid-point with sharp falloff on either extreme of the gradient.

Output Regions

When the Output Regions option is enabled, the procedural texture outputs random gray shades per region rather than outlines for tiles, providing a means to add random variety to the procedurally created texture. You can further control the amount of variation using the Regional HSV process layer.

Background Color/Value

Specifies the Color (or Value) of the texture's background area, which ramps toward the Foreground Color/Value.

Background Alpha

Specifies the Alpha transparency of the Background Color.

Background - Use Last Layer

When enabled, the Background Color area is completely transparent, revealing the shading results of any lower layers.

Foreground Color/Value

Specifies the Color (or Value) of the texture's foreground area, which ramps toward the Background Color/Value.

Foreground Alpha

Specifies the Alpha transparency of the Foreground Color.

Foreground - Use Last Layer

When enabled, the Foreground Color area is completely transparent, revealing the shading results of any lower layers.