UV to Weight
Use the Vertex Map > UV to Weight tool to convert a UV map to a weight map.
For more information, see Working with Weight Maps.
After - displaying the weight map in 3D viewport
1. | Download this example. |
1. | In the Setup layout, open the Items list on the right panel, and select the Mesh item. |
2. | In the 3D viewport, set the viewport style to Vertex Map. |
3. | On the right panel, under the Items list, open the Lists tab, and expand the Weight Maps item. |
Only the B-Spline and Subdivision weight maps are displayed.
4. | In the Lists tab, expand UV Maps, and select Texture. |
5. | On the menu bar, click Vertex Map > UV to Weight > UV U to Weight. |
The spring model displays red markings for the applied weight map along the U direction. In the Lists tab, under Weight Maps, a new Texture2Weight item is listed.
6. | On the Lists tab, under Weight Maps, right-click Texture2Weight and select Delete. |
7. | On the menu bar, click UV to Weight > UV V to Weight. |