
The Teapot primitive provides a simple method for creating a teapot. The teapot primitive is included with Modo because of its historical significance.

In the early years of 3D modeling and rendering, Martin Newel created a computer-generated three dimensional teapot. The original "Utah teapot" was actually taller than the famed teapot we see in so many places today. Legend has it that during a demo, using a system with non-square pixels, Jim Blinn scaled the teapot rather than scaling the image. As this dataset became more widely distributed than the original, his edit changed the aspect of teapots in 3D software for years to come.

Experiment:  If you are interested in following teapot lore, simply type "Utah Teapot" into your favorite search engine.

Utah Teapot

Click Geometry > Primitive Tools > Teapot and set the properties to add it to your scene.

When the tool is active, the following options are available for editing the primitive:

Teapot Panel


Position X, Y, Z

Defines the center point for the teapot's bounding box.


Defines the overall size of the teapot's longest bounding edge.


This X, Y, Z choice allows you to quickly change the orientation of the primitive.

Make UVs

When this button is active, a UV map is automatically generated for the geometry created with the tool. This is a very useful option if you plan to UV map the model you are creating from the primitive, as it provides a baseline UV map that you can massage later in the modeling process. In many cases, this can reduce the amount of work required to map the model.