Release Notes for Modo 10.1v2
Release Date
21 July 2016
System Requirements
Officially Supported Operating Systems
• Mac OS X 10.9.x, 10.10.x, and 10.11.x
• Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 (64-bit only)
• Linux 64-bit operating system (RHEL 5.4+)
Minimum Hardware Requirements
• Intel processor(s), Core i3 or higher
• 10 GB disk space available for full content installation
• At least 4 GB RAM
• Display with 1280 x 800 pixel resolution
• Internet connection for product activation and online videos access
• The Advanced viewport mode requires an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 512 MB of graphics memory and drivers that support OpenGL 3.2 or higher
Recommended System Requirements
Note: This information is our best recommendation for the average user. Requirements vary by usage, and individual users may have different requirements from those listed here.
• 2.5+ Ghz quad-core processor
• 250+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files, SSD is preferable
• 16 GB RAM with additional virtual memory*
• Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution
• An NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with the latest drivers
• 2+ GB of graphics memory
• OpenGL 4.4 or higher support
*The use of virtual memory improves stability and helps prevent data loss on large projects.
Tested Workstation Hardware
The configurations listed below are those that The Foundry have tested with Modo 14.2v2. Due to the constantly changing nature and wide variety of computer hardware available in the market, The Foundry is unable to officially certify hardware. The list below can be used as a recommendation and does not guarantee that it meets your particular needs.
Please download and install the latest graphics driver from the NVIDIA or AMD websites. Make sure that you are using 8.982.8.1 drivers or higher for AMD cards.
If you encounter any issues, please visit the Support Portal at
Tested Workstation Hardware |
Apple |
• MacPro4, 1 • MacPro5, 1 • iMac13, 2 • MacBookPro10, 1 |
Dell |
• Dell T1700 • Dell T3610 • Dell T3620 • Dell T5810 • Dell T7610 • Dell T7910 • Dell Precision Rack 7910 • Dell Precision 5510 • Dell Precision 7710 • Dell M2800 • Dell M6800 |
HP |
• HP Z440 • HP Z600 |
Tested GPU Hardware |
AMD Prosumer Graphics Cards |
• Radeon™ HD 1900 XT • Radeon™ HD 2400 XT • Radeon™ HD 2600 Pro • Radeon™ HD 3870 |
AMD Enterprise Graphics Cards |
• FirePro™ W4170 • FirePro™ W5000 • FirePro™ W8000 • FirePro™ W2100 • FirePro™ W5100 • FirePro™ W4100 • FirePro™ W7100 • FirePro™ W8100 • FirePro™ W9100
NVIDIA Prosumer Graphics Cards |
• Geforce GTX 680 • Geforce GTX Titan • Geforce GT 650M |
NVIDIA Enterprise Graphics Cards |
• Quadro® K6000 • Quadro® K5000 • Quadro® K4000 • Quadro® K2000 • Quadro® K600 • Quadro® K5200 • Quadro® K4200 • Quadro® K2200 • Quadro® K1200 • Quadro® K620 • Quadro® M5000 • Quadro® M4000 |
New Features
There are no new features in this release.
Feature Enhancements
• A Type option has been added to the Polygon Set Material dialog, which allows you to create a Unity or Unreal material by pressing M on the keyboard with polygons selected.
• Ghosted mesh drawing has been improved in non-Advanced viewports.
• ID 49006 - Performance of geometry snapping has been improved.
Bug Fixes
This is a list of the most important bug fixes. For a full list, see The Foundry Community site.
• The Advanced viewport had memory leak and possible cross-viewport mode (Default/Advanced) update issues with tangent bases.
• Environment reflections were incorrect in the Default viewport.
• Help: Game tools had no context-sensitive help.
• Newly-created layouts were starred in the Switcher Bar.
• Ellipses weren't displayed on pop-up faces for forms and non-forms pop-ups.
• ID 32045 - Replicated references lost texturing.
• ID 36640 - The texture didn't update after a Weight Map was renamed.
• ID 41458 - Deleting an instance of a Shader Tree material with a layer mask as a child also deleted the child in the original group.
• ID 46260 - The Advanced viewport didn't display particle clouds and particle emitters.
• ID 47551 - Modo sometimes became unresponsive when changing settings in a scene with volumetric particles.
• ID 48237 - The Advanced viewport displayed transparency incorrectly on RGBA images in fast mode.
• ID 48348 - Artifacts occurred when saving unpremultiplied layered images.
• ID 48413 - Mac OS X only: Pressing Cancel on a save dialog resulting from an external application quit signal (such as right-clicking on Modo in the dock and selecting quit) still caused Modo to quit.
• ID 48674 - The Nozzle brush tip's Jitter Spacing option was not working.
• ID 48681 - In Preview, progressive save did not work with multiple render outputs.
• ID 48731 - In the Advanced viewport, textures were displayed as transparent when the Effect was set to RGBA.
• ID 48978 - Some memory allocations were not freed until the end of an animation render.
• ID 49071 - Reflections of direct lights sometimes appeared too bright when Roughness was zero and Specular MIS was enabled.
• ID 49259 - When painting, artifacts appeared when the Nozzle tool's Jitter Size and Strength were not set between 0 and 100%.
• ID 49559 - Bake Geometry Cache: The quality of displacement baking regressed.
• ID 49584 - The tooltip for Preferences > Auto Create Textures did not contain information on the tool.
• ID 49643 - Image Based Lighting (IBL) reflections were blurry in the Advanced viewport.
• ID 49658 - Curve Fill did not fill some characters in a text correctly.
• ID 49788 - In the Images list, Camera items were incorrectly included in search results.
• ID 49850 - Exporting curves using FBX 2015 only exported floating vertices.
• ID 49940 - Materials from presets were lost during FBX export.
• ID 50104 - Meshes appeared black in the Advanced viewport when using environment lighting.
• ID 50156 - In Preview, the background image sequence didn't update when changing frames.
• ID 50247 - The Advanced viewport was disabled due to the driver not detecting card memory correctly on non-standard systems.
• ID 50289 - Weight Map overlays were drawn as a solid color, rather than changing opacity to show weight.
• ID 50364 - The Advanced viewport showed visible seams or noise on environment textures.
• ID 50517 - Convexity and Concavity had slower render times than other occlusion types. The minimum number of samples for computing Convexity and Concavity was reduced from four to one to improve performance.
• ID 50780 - Loading an .lxr file with a saved preview render corrupted data in extra render outputs.
• ID 50819 - When rendering only transparent materials, incorrect shadows displayed in the Advanced viewport.
• ID 50825 - Morph Influence didn't recognize procedurally created morphs.
• ID 50877 - The Curve Fill tool could only pave curves with a normal aligned to the Z axis.
• ID 50880 - Changing the Stereo Eyes setting in the Camera Effects properties was not updating correctly in Preview.
• ID 50923 - Preview did not update when assigning an existing material.
• ID 50964 - The Show as Silhouette checkbox on a mesh's Display properties only came into effect when the viewport was refreshed manually.
• ID 51026 - Modo sometimes crashed when scrubbing the color value in the Set Material (m) dialog.
• ID 51124 - Clearcoat displayed very dark in the Advanced viewport when using Image Based Lighting (IBL).
• ID 51259 - The first subtab in a form was always selected in dialogs.
• ID 51511 - In the Advanced viewport, PBR materials displayed the Modo material color when lit by area or dome lights.
• ID 51528 - The brightness of the progress bar in Preview fluctuated.
• ID 51544 - Environment lighting caused artifacts on surfaces in the Advanced viewport.
• ID 51658 - Volumetrics: An incorrect error message displayed when clicking on disabled controls.
• ID 51667 - Render Booleans: Reflections were incorrect when using Enable Surface Clipping in the Material Rays properties of glass materials.
• ID 51724 - Using Mesh Paint Instance with snapping sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 51872 - Clearing the Schematic with an instanced assembly present sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 51881 - Weight Maps were drawn incorrectly with a Bump Map visible.
• ID 51902 - The Render Passes command dialog showed the first pass group as selected, when none were selected.
• ID 51904 - Advanced viewport: The Banned Driver message for NVIDIA 311 drivers contained a typo.
• ID 51935 - Some AMD drivers only showed monochrome transparency in the Advanced viewport.
• ID 51942 - The Freeze mesh operation didn't update when the mesh container's Curve Refinement Angle was changed.
• ID 52001 - Exporting curves using FBX 2013 resulted in an empty mesh.
• ID 52047 - The UV transform Shear tool had Auto Size X Y Z, instead of UV.
• ID 52073 - The Gravity Channel Modifier was inadvertently disabled.
• ID 52074 - Inverse Kinematics: Changing options didn't update the Properties panel.
• ID 52086 - Executing assembly commands attached to a mesh instance caused error messages or incorrect behavior.
• ID 52096 - Brush tip selections sometimes got stuck after switching brushes.
• ID 52097 - Several options were missing from the Layout > Windows > New Window menu.
• ID 52101 - The menu bar command Layout > Delete didn't work correctly.
• ID 52124 - Selections could not be made from a pop-up form when launched from inside a pop-over.
• ID 52126 - Radial Array: Toggling Replace Source with a multi-resolution mesh sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52127 - Changing brush tips sometimes left the previous brush tip highlighted.
• ID 52130 - The Stretch Particle control was not used by Preview or Render.
• ID 52131 - Applying the Text tool, changing the split, then re-applying the tool sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52140 - Editing a Morph Map with tools using screen or selection falloffs (such as Soft Drag) didn't work correctly.
• ID 52141 - Using more than one backdrop slowed the GL frame rate.
• ID 52144 - Edge weights didn't propagate to beveled polygons when using the Bevel mesh operation.
• ID 52152 - Using the F button to search or filter images did not work.
• ID 52166 - Modo_cl sometimes crashed with custom configurations.
• ID 52172 - The Open Containing Folder context menu option didn't work for images in the Clip list.
• ID 52184 - In the Edge Bevel tool, the Edge Shape: Square option did not work as expected.
• ID 52185 - Point Count was incorrect for the Curve Particle Generator.
• ID 52186 - Canceling the Curve Extrude dialog produced a Python error.
• ID 52188 - Multiple curves weren't rebuilt individually in the same mesh.
• ID 52190 - Preview sometimes stopped rendering when scrubbing the timeline.
• ID 52197 - Activating the Make Bridges option with multiple items selected in the Item List sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52198 - In the Edge Bevel tool, Width mode was not working.
• ID 52201 - Scrubbing the timeline after setting keys on items sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52202 - Multiple subtools could not be added at once by multi-selecting and drag-and-dropping them into the Mesh Operations stack.
• ID 52203 - Selecting the Shape setting on the Line tool changed back to Line.
• ID 52205 - Drawing polygon selections on curves imported from a .dxf file sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52206 - Drawing selection indices with ghosting enabled sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52208 - Undoing Instance Clone tool actions sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52212 - Dragging and dropping multiple selections from the Procedural Preset Browser onto a mesh operation's Selection input added all selections to the Mesh Operations list, but only one functioned.
• ID 52213 - Mesh operations couldn't be dragged and dropped directly onto a mesh in the list.
• ID 52214 - Tool pipe operations couldn't be dropped onto the Add Tool Pipe section of a mesh operation in the Mesh Operations stack.
• ID 52217 - Grid mode only worked when using a primitive tool and moving with the center handle.
• ID 52219 - Setting the Target mesh on a UV Transform to an Instance sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52222 - Selecting some vertices and edges with one mesh operation selected, then using the poly.convert command on the base mesh sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52223 - The Corner Scale option of the Pen Extrude tool and the Pen Generator mesh operation did not work as expected.
• ID 52234 - Loading Showcase scene template presets sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52248 - Enabling Specular MIS with the Visible to Reflection Rays Light item property enabled caused issues with light visibility.
• ID 52250 - Loading a progressive render into Preview with the alpha output active sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52256 - Adding a material to the Material Library caused did not update any color changes in the GL viewport.
• ID 52257 - In the Bevel tool, the Reverse Inset and Reverse Direction controls didn't update the tool results immediately.
• ID 52267 - UDIMs with overlapping UV borders could not be painted on.
• ID 52272 - Adding a curve to a Polygon Bevel with a Preset Profile sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52274 - Selecting and deselecting multiple textures at the same level of the Modifier stack did not work as expected.
• ID 52276 - A Constant texture affecting Unreal effects was showing color instead of percentage for the Metallic, Opacity, and Specular controls.
• ID 52277 - The Preset Browser didn't update when saving a new color preset.
• ID 52280 - Measurements were not readable in the bottom-left corner info area of the Games Layout.
• ID 52281 - Rendering a single full-resolution frame using Render Animation sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52282 - Creating new geometry with the Save Vertex Map Selection to Scene option enabled in the Preferences caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52291 - The Inverse Kinematics Translation Limits controls were not disabled by default.
• ID 52292 - The path dropdown in the Preset Browser was still visible when toolbars were hidden.
• ID 52295 - Texture layer forms did not update after effect changes.
• ID 52296 - Config file corruption led to icons and menus disappearing.
• ID 52300 - Showing Vertex Map lists as pop-ups sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52305 - Clicking on the Info tab with a vertex selected sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52314 - Tool autoreset did not work correctly after undoing and redoing a tool activation and initial tool adjustment.
• ID 52333 - Deleting a segment from a closed B-Spline occasionally deleted the wrong segment.
• ID 52336 - Adding a package (such as notes) to a light sometimes caused Modo to crash
• ID 52339 - Moving a camera assembly root with the graph editor visible sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52340 - Rendering scenes with Volume items sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52342 - The Preset Browser stopped updating or accepting input after selecting a brush preset.
• ID 52359 - Selecting Edges on the base mesh, then deforming the mesh in a specific scene sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52367 - Deleting an item shader using the x icon on its right side in the Shader Tree caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52380 - Deselecting an edge loop sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52382 - Using the Topology Pen on lines created with the Pen tool sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52384 - Switching between axes did not work correctly for the Cylindrical Falloff.
• ID 52409 - Using the Delete command on multiple items, including the camera, when the 3D viewport was set to Camera view sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52413 - Preview Bake displayed the incorrect bakeUV name on the status bar.
• ID 52434 - Using the Slice Selected option of the Loop Slice tool sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 52443 - Modo_cl sometimes crashed during render.
• ID 52465 - Memory corruption caused Modo to crash when rendering certain scenes with fur.
• ID 52469 - Edge loop selection was not working properly in the UV view.
• ID 52502 - Deleting a mesh with edge selections and then creating a new one caused Modo to crash.
Known Issues and Workarounds
This section covers known issues and gives workarounds for them, where appropriate.
Advanced Viewport
• ID 51554 - Artifacts may appear on surfaces when environment lighting is used in some scenes.
• ID 50810 - Anisotropic texture filtering is lower quality than in the Default viewport.
• ID 50629 - Changing the Default View Colorspace (System > Preferences > Rendering > Color Management) with the Advanced viewport visible can lead to instability.
• ID 49598 - Spurious diagonal lines of bad pixels may appear in the Advanced viewport with some AMD cards.
• ID 46995 - Ambient Occlusion display in the Advanced viewport is affected by selected item wireframes.
You can disable Show Selection in the Visibility options or disable wireframe drawing on the active mesh layers.
• ID 36452 - Assemblies exported from the Item List context menu result in poor visual layout of nodes on import.
As a workaround, you can save assemblies from the Schematic viewport.
• ID 52242 - Windows only: The .au format doesn't load on Windows 10, due to the lack of DirectShow support, which Modo uses, for the format. As a workaround, convert the audio file to a different format, such as .wav. This bug will not be fixed.
• ID 50671 - Baking displacement maps can cause UV seams to be visible, and the baked displacement map to show quilting effects and other render artifacts.
• ID 49437 - The Bake Channel Swizzling option can’t bake to texture alpha.
Color Management
• ID 49244 - Windows only: With Perform Color Correction on, setting a default scene to a scene with a mesh that has a position channel crashes at launch.
Use System > Reset Preferences to reset to defaults or move/remove the default scene as a workaround.
Default Viewport
• RGBA textures only draw correctly in the Advanced viewport. In the Default viewport, any unsupported texture effect on an image map is drawn as diffuse color when the layer is selected in the Shader Tree.
• ID 50684 - In some cases, the Lattice deformer doesn't deform correctly.
• ID 52068 - Windows only: Mesh Shatter: Using Source mode may not create shards correctly in some cases.
File and Image I/O
• ID 50198 - Alembic does not export some surface items, including static meshes and procedural shatter items.
• ID 49728 - Exporting selected layers (from the Item List context menu) to .fbx doesn't export instances unless the original mesh is also exported.
To resolve this, set the .fbx preference to Export Selection and use Export As….
• ID 47230 - Alembic export of a mesh from a MODO 401 scene fails due to a custom channel called inherit.
• ID 47036 - Color management in .svg images is not currently supported. This is a side-effect of a bug fix where the largest allowable image size (64k x 64k) was always used when color correction was enabled.
• ID 46962 - Rendering .svg images used as stencil maps for displacement or for layer masking, can be very slow.
• ID 35731 - Fur length textures can’t be edited with the Stretch tool.
Use different fur length drivers, such as hair guides or vector vertex maps.
• ID 49514 - Mac OS X only: Running modo_cl before running the UI Modo application breaks code signing.
As a workaround, start the UI version of Modo once, before running modo_cl on any system where you later intend to use the UI version.
Input Devices
• ID 51741 - Modo sometimes becomes unresponsive when using the combination of a click-drag in a tree view (for example, when toggling the visibility of two successive items in the Shader Tree), followed immediately by a two-finger scroll gesture on some devices, including laptop trackpads and the Magic Mouse. As a workaround, avoid that specific combination of input events or change to a 3-button mouse (recommended to fully access all of Modo's features).
• ID 35856 - Linux only: Plugging in a Wacom tablet while Modo is running can cause undesired movement. This cannot be fixed, due to a limitation of the hardware driver.
To avoid this, plug in the tablet before application startup or restart.
• ID 48669 - Linux only: MeshFusion objects set to Airtight Final may cause Modo to crash when the Dup & Convert to Mesh option is used.
If the Dup & Convert to Mesh button is not exposed through the more (>>) button, Modo doesn't crash. You can avoid clicking the more (>>) button by maximizing the form (numpad 0) and/or collapsing the other form sections by clicking on them.
Network Rendering
• ID 48325 - Scenes with image sequences rendered with Full Frames use the wrong image sequence number on slave machines.
As a workaround, use File > Consolidate Scene, then render the scene using a shared network folder (Preferences option under Rendering > Network Rendering).
• ID 30318 - Network Rendering doesn’t support Realflow particles.
• ID 25636 - Frame passes are not supported.
Nodal Shading
• ID 50642 - Nodal shading does not support UDIMs.
• ID 41682 - Textures are not always updating in Preview/Render when painting on an image map.
You can save and reload the image to force the update.
• ID 34925 - Re-opening scenes saved with large particle caches can cause problems.
To avoid such issues, delete the cache before closing Modo, or export the particles to .csv cache files or Realflow .bin files. You can do this by attaching one of those nodes to the Particle Simulation item in the Schematic viewport, and clicking Cache Simulation.
• ID 36881 - Selecting a material mask, then double-clicking it to add an advanced preset (such as the car paint presets) loads the preset incorrectly.
Drag and drop the preset on the mesh in Preview or GL as a workaround.
• If a high poly mesh is not visible, the Preview baking output will be incorrect.
Reset Preview to fix the baking.
• ID 48724 - If Preview is open as a floating palette (F8) and then maximized (numpad 0), it may fail to update keyframed material color changes, when switching frames or rendering an animation.
As a workaround, avoid maximizing the embedded Preview viewport.
• ID 48581 - Progressive save does not always work correctly with multiple render outputs.
• ID 52246 - The Polygon Extrude operation only works when the axis is set to none.
As a workaround, adjust your extrusion one axis at a time.
• ID 52149 - Curve Extrude mesh operation: The Path Segment Generator's Align to Normal option doesn't work when using a Bezier with zero-length tangents.
As a workaround, rotate the polygons to point toward the +Z before extruding or make sure there are no zero-length tangents.
• ID 50877 - The Curve Fill mesh operation can only pave curves created in the XY plane.
• ID 49767 - Scenes which contain a UV constraint modifier driving texture properties may fail to load after saving, due to a modifier dependency loop.
• ID 46512 - When rigged, Rock items and other procedurals do not display correctly in GL. This is a limitation of the feature and will not be fixed.
You can use Preview or RayGL to visualize the variations from rigging.
• ID 49473 - Projections are incorrect if the projecting camera is set to Vertical film fit mode and the width is less than the height.
• ID 49304 - Linux only: Selecting (none) for the camera's background image may lead to instability.
• ID 43771 - Camera projections from non-render cameras show distortion in GL and baking.
To avoid this, make sure that the projection camera has a film width to height ratio that matches the main render camera.
• ID 50404 - RayGL shows the color output of the baked map on the mesh without applying the texture effect.
• ID 50070 - Baking textures in RayGL with Bake items can disregard the target mesh selection.
RayGL in Bake mode can only have one texture rendered and then applied to all visible meshes. You can set Preview to Current Bake Item to see the selected texture.
• ID 44492 - If a scene that already contains references is referenced, the shading of the original references may not survive.
As a workaround, limit scenes with shading to one level of reference.
• ID 41119 - Reloading a reference after replacing it with the same file can cause Modo to crash.
• ID 46468 - Additional (masked) alpha outputs are not saved when rendering animations.
Since other render outputs do work, a remapped depth output with a very high maximum depth setting functions similarly to an alpha output.
• ID 41021 - Using Shadow Density render outputs can result in abnormally high render times.
• ID 27244 - Duplicating joints in a bound mesh retains influences from the original joint chain.
Shader Tree
• ID 37858 - In the Shader Tree, choosing a group from Add Layer > Image Map > (use clip browser) fails.
To work around this issue, in the Clip Browser, choose a single image instead of the group, and then change to the image group using the Texture Layer's Properties tab.
• ID 36363 - Copying or duplicating shader groups with instanced shaders and image maps does not set the shader effect on the copied instances.
• ID 30947 - Layer masking displacement does not work unless you drag and drop the masking layer onto the displacement layer.
Unreal and Unity Materials
• ID 50701 - Unreal material Ambient Occlusion does not bake correctly in Modo.
• ID 50700 - There is no way to visualize the Unreal SubSurface Color effect in Modo.
• ID 50451 - On some graphics cards, Unity material may cause flickering in the Advanced viewport when used with bump maps and shadows.
• ID 50459 - Linux only: Popover windows may not appear when clicked on some Linux distributions/Window managers.
As a workaround, click on the button that opens the popover multiple times.
• ID 44896 - Dragging and dropping an image from the system into the Clips list doesn’t work.
If the Clips list is empty, drop the image onto the bar at the top, otherwise drop it above or below other images in the list.
• ID 43162 - Windows only: Setting a custom text size affects Modo's text drawing.
As a workaround, go to the compatibility settings by right-clicking the Modo shortcut or executable, and turn off font-scaling for the app.
• ID 52320 - Volume items render without alpha in Preview.
• ID 50623 - Preview doesn’t respond to feature parameter changes on the VDB Voxel item.
Developer Notes
Here are the changes relevant to developers.
Bug Fixes and Enhancements
• ID 38901 - SDK: The gplane sample did not use defines for channel types.
• ID 40719 - SDK: sIType_ShaderFolder has been added in lx.symbol.
• ID 52041 - TD SDK: Deleting or applying a layerscan object when its item had been removed from the scene caused a crash.
• ID 52379 - TD SDK: Adding a new render pass group did not set the 'GTYP' tag.