Release Notes for Modo 10.2v1


Release Date

13 October 2016

System Requirements

Officially Supported Operating Systems

Mac OS X 10.9.x, 10.10.x, 10.11.x, and 10.12.x (64-bit only)

Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 (64-bit only)

Linux 64-bit operating system (RHEL 5.4+)

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Intel processor(s), Core i3 or higher

10 GB disk space available for full content installation

At least 4 GB RAM

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

Internet connection for product activation and online videos access

The Advanced viewport mode requires an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 1 GB of graphics memory and drivers that support OpenGL 3.2 or higher.

Recommended System Requirements

Note:  This information is our best recommendation for the average user. Requirements vary by usage, and individual users may have different requirements from those listed here.

2.5+ GHz quad-core processor

250+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files, SSD is preferable

16 GB RAM with additional virtual memory*

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

An NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with the latest drivers

2+ GB of graphics memory

OpenGL 4.4 or higher support

*The use of virtual memory improves stability and helps prevent data loss on large projects.

Tested Workstation Hardware

The configurations listed below are those that The Foundry have tested with Modo 14.2v2. Due to the constantly changing nature and wide variety of computer hardware available in the market, The Foundry is unable to officially certify hardware. The list below can be used as a recommendation and does not guarantee that it meets your particular needs.

Please download and install the latest graphics driver from the NVIDIA or AMD websites. Make sure that you are using 8.982.8.1 drivers or higher for AMD cards.

If you encounter any issues, please visit the Support Portal at

Tested Workstation Hardware


MacPro4, 1

MacPro5, 1

iMac13, 2

MacBookPro10, 1


Dell T1700

Dell T3610

Dell T3620

Dell T5810

Dell T7610

Dell T7910

Dell Precision Rack 7910

Dell Precision 5510

Dell Precision 7710

Dell M2800

Dell M6800


HP Z440

HP Z600


Tested GPU Hardware

AMD Prosumer Graphics Cards

Radeon™ HD 1900 XT

Radeon™ HD 2400 XT

Radeon™ HD 2600 Pro

Radeon™ HD 3870

AMD Enterprise Graphics Cards

FirePro™ W4170

FirePro™ W5000

FirePro™ W8000

FirePro™ W2100

FirePro™ W5100

FirePro™ W4100

FirePro™ W7100

FirePro™ W8100

FirePro™ W9100


NVIDIA Prosumer Graphics Cards

Geforce GTX 680

Geforce GTX Titan

Geforce GT 650M

NVIDIA Enterprise Graphics Cards

Quadro® K6000

Quadro® K5000

Quadro® K4000

Quadro® K2000

Quadro® K600

Quadro® K5200

Quadro® K4200

Quadro® K2200

Quadro® K1200

Quadro® K620

Quadro® M5000

Quadro® M4000

New Features


Deformer Caching

The output of mesh operations and deformers can now be cached when animating a scene. When frames are cached, performance is limited mostly by GPU drawing performance. The Cache Deformers options greatly improve playback speed, at the expense of using more memory.

Direct Modeling

Curve Tool Improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Curve and Bezier tools:

Auto Curve Edit - When selecting a curve, the corresponding curve editing tool now automatically activates, allowing you to immediately start editing the curve.

Zero-weight Bezier Tangents - You can create sharp corners on Bezier curves by clicking in the viewport (as opposed to clicking and dragging to create a smooth control point).

Round Corner Tool - While editing Bezier curves, sharp corners now have a widget you can drag to add a rounded corner.

Bezier Tool: Preserve Broken Tangents by Default - You can edit the tangent handles of a Bezier curve's control point independently.

Close Curve by Clicking on First Control Point - Right-clicking on the first control point while creating a new curve closes it into a loop.

File I/O

Redirecting Content

The content location can now be controlled by the config system, making it easier to change where the content is located. You can set this in Preferences > Defaults > Application > Content Location.


Compound Trim Viewport UI

The Schematic-free system utilizes Compound Trims. They are simple assemblies created and destroyed on the fly as you add Trim geometry consisting of multiple meshes.

Deferred Updates

The Fusion item now has a Deferred Updates checkbox. When enabled, the Fusion item doesn't update to reflect changes to the input geometry until you release the mouse button. This allows you to edit very complex setups with reasonable performance.

Fusion Legacy Model Conversion

Previous Fusion models (Schematic or Item List structure used for 3D-Tree Fusions) can be converted to the new Flat Schematic Tree used by the Schematic-free system. Legacy Fusion models still load and display properly, conversion is only required for further editing.

Source Mesh N-gon Support

MeshFusion now supports n-gons in source meshes.

Support Standard Transforms of Fusion Item

You can now use the standard Modo transforms to move, rotate, and scale your Fusion Item.

Fusion Tab

MeshFusion's toolbar has been updated with new functionality. Additionally, drag-and-drop functionality has been added.

Wireframe Drawing of MeshFusion Input Items

MeshFusion input items are now drawn in wireframe mode. This improves clarity in the viewport, and means MeshFusion no longer creates or requires custom shaders or groups.

Procedural Modeling

Assembly Aliases

Assemblies can be collapsed into a single Assembly Alias item. This allows more technical artists to create assemblies that are easier to use for others and makes the scene appear tidier.

Duplicating Geometry

The following procedural mesh operations have been added to Modo:




Radial Array

Radial Sweep

Scatter Clone


Slice Tools

The following procedural mesh operations have been added to Modo:

Axis Drill

Axis Slice



Solid Drill

Surface Support for Merge Meshes

The Merge Meshes operation has been extended to accept any item with geometry in it, including MeshFusion items, procedural items, such as the Gear and Rock items, VDBVoxel meshes, the output from Fabric canvas graphs, and so on.

Selection Modifiers

The following procedural selection modifiers have been added to modify existing selections:

Boundary Edges - Converts a polygonal selection into an edge selection by using the boundary of the polygon selection to determine the edges to select.

Grow/Shrink - Grows and shrinks the selection.

Invert - Inverts selection operations.

In addition, selections have blend modes that specify how multiple selections are combined.


Mesh Lights

A new light type - Mesh Light - has been added. This new light type allows you to choose a single mesh item in the scene and use it as the shape of the light.

Sampling Settings

Reflection, refraction, and subsurface scattering (SSS) sample settings have been moved from the individual materials to a global control on the Render item. If the global setting is 0, the local control on the materials is still used. Additionally, there is a quality multiplier on the individual materials if you want to have different quality levels on different materials.

Preview Lock

A new Lock button has been added to the Preview window. When enabled, it completely locks Modo, preventing you from accidentally restarting preview. Secondly, it overrides all the quality settings to make sure that everything is set up correctly for final frame rendering.

This makes it much easier to use preview for final frame rendering for stills.

Rounded Edges

Two new properties have been added to the Material item properties:

Rounded Edge Width - A new Shader Tree effect that allows the widths of rounded edges to be controlled by image maps, procedural textures, or gradients. The value of a texture using this effect acts as a multiplier on the edge width specified in the material properties.

Rounded Edge Angle - A new material channel that controls which edges should appear rounded based on how sharp they are. An edge appears rounded if the surface normals of the adjoining polygons vary by more than the Rounded Edge Angle setting. The default value is 40 degrees, same as the default Smoothing Angle. Lowering the setting to 0 causes all edges to appear rounded.

Simpler Controls in Render Window

The Image Processing and Compare, Region, and Options tabs in the Render Window have been tidied up and simplified.


Automatic Retopology

A new command has been added that generates new mesh items from the selected items. The new mesh is produced according to an automatic retopology algorithm that aims to output a clean mesh with good topology at a density you specify. The density can be controlled by Weight Maps or by the input density and the mesh flow can be controlled by edge selection sets or by sketching guide curves on the surface. For more information about sketching guide curves, see Retopo Guides.

The automatic retopology implementation converts a mesh into a mesh made up of all 3-, 4-, and 5-point polygons of a uniform size. To determine this polygon size, it looks at the number of polygons you request in the output, and divides the surface of the area by that number. As a result, the target polygon number, either as a number or a percent, is only approximate. An option to apply a subdivision to the mesh to produce pure quads is also available.

The retopology algorithm can detect sharp edges in the input mesh and preserve them by looking for faces that meet at an angle greater than the crease angle you specify. Although the process is automatic, you can guide the results using standard Modo mesh attributes, like the RetopoDensity weight map, or the RetopoEdgeLock and RetopoFlow edge selection sets.


The Detriangulate tool removes diagonal edges. It allows you to control flatness thresholds and to specify one or mores edges to act as guides for where the quads are.

Retopo Guides

This tool allows you to sketch curves (polylines) on a surface that are set up as either position or edge flow guides for automatic retopology. The curves are tagged with the special selection set name that the autoretopo command looks for, and they have a vertex normal map with normals taken from the surface. These are both necessary elements for autoretopo.

You can activate the tool by clicking on the Retopo Guides button in the Topology layout under the Tools sub-tab.


Automatic Component Selection

In Auto Select mode, Modo automatically switches between Vertex, Edge, and Polygon selection mode, depending on what type of component you click on.

Enable/Disable Camera Images

You can now enable and disable foreground and background images in the Camera item's properties.

Fading Grid

The grid now fades out around the corners, providing a sense of depth and distance. Red and blue color highlights for the X and Y center axis can also be enabled to help keep your orientation.

Item Mode Wireframe and Selection Drawing

Selected items now always draw their wireframe, even if wireframe display is disabled. Optionally, the item selection can be drawn with a solid fill instead.

Item Work Planes

To make aligning the Work Plane to items easier, you can now right-click on an item in the 3D viewport and align the Work Plane to that item.

Morphed Mesh Drawing

Morph maps can be drawn as a cage, with various drawing styles, with vectors drawn as line segments from the base mesh to the morph mesh, and with color and opacity settings for the morph cage.

Primitive Tool Handle

Additional controls have been added for the interactive tools. The tool handles can now either adjust around a locked central location, or lock the opposite side to the grabbed handle, making them easier to use.

Proficiency Switching in Forms

Panels that contain controls with different proficiency levels now show Less and More buttons at the bottom of the view, allowing you to display fewer or more controls.

Vertex Drawing Options

Vertices are now automatically visible in Vertex mode, but not otherwise. They can still be explicitly enabled in other component modes.

Work Plane Align to Screen

An option to align the work Plane to the Perspective view has been added to make certain modeling tasks easier, such as drawing curves using Sketch.

Work Plane Bookmarks

Work Plane bookmarks can now be assigned to polygons and re-used later on. This is useful to store construction planes in the geometry itself. Work Plane Bookmarks work in a way that is very similar to selection sets. Different bookmarks can be saved for each of your scenes.

Work Plane Visibility Options

New viewport visibility options have been added to provide more control over the main grid and the Work Plane.


Maximum Environment Resolution

A new preference for environment resolution has been added to the Display Preferences. Reducing the resolution increases performance when editing the environment.

Numeric Control Color Correction

Numeric control color correction applies color correction to the numeric values displayed in color fields. For example, this allows you to copy and paste the hex code for a color from Photoshop into Modo and have the colors match. Previously, Modo supported color correction for the drawn representation of a color in the UI but the numeric values were always drawn in linear space.

Particle ID Channel

Locator items now have a Particle ID channel that can be used to drive the Particle ID assigned to rendered surfaces. You can set this value manually or drive it by a rig and then feed it to Shaders. This is mostly useful for Gradients and Texture Switch.

Simulation Modifiers

Simulation Modifiers provide ways to control animated behaviors based on set triggers.

String Encode Modifier

This is a simple channel modifier for turning a numerical value into a text string with optional decimal precision and leading zeroes.

Feature Enhancements

UI: There was no keyboard shortcut to quickly open popovers and to match snapping and symmetry.

• ID 14167 - Paint layout:  You can now undo your settings for Image Set Resolution.

• ID 26856 - Render layout: A Rounded Edge Width has been added as a texture effect in the Shader Tree.

• ID 31383 - Render layout: A Rounded Edge Angle channel has been added to the advanced Material item to control which edges should have the rounding effect applied (expressed as the minimum angle between the surface normals of the adjoining polygons). The default value of 40 degrees matches the default Smoothing Angle.

• ID 31747 - Online Help: The documentation has been updated for Environment Presets, highlighting the fact that full lighting setups can be stored.

• ID 32703 - Item List: Item filter selection by color has been added.

• ID 47652 - Volumes: The VDBVoxel item has been added to the schematic's Add > Volumes menu.

• ID 50877 - Procedurals: The ability to apply Curve Fill to pave in axis other than the Z axis has been added.

• ID 51256 - Procedurals: To improve performance, Mesh Ops are no longer evaluated in the Setup layout and in Setup mode.

• ID 51262 - GL: Color has been improved in the viewports.

• ID 52354 - File Output FBX: Added functionality for exporting replicators with multiple prototypes.

• ID 52422 - Item List: Item List > Filter Items > By Color dropdown options now matches the options in the Item List right-click context menu.

• ID 52463 - Model layout: The command select.all has been added to modo_cl.

• ID 52452 - UI: The VDBVoxel option has been added to the Schematic Preset Browser.

• ID 52455 - Procedurals: The Enable option has been added to the Curve Rebuild operation Properties.

• ID 52491 - UI: The Mesh Operations list is now consistent between layouts.

• ID 52650 - Shader Tree: The Assign Material command has been updated to display a material type dropdown menu when a pre-existing material group is selected.

• ID 52651 - Shader Tree: Selecting an existing Unity or Unreal material in the Assign Material dropdown menu now updates the properties in the dialog.

• ID 53058 - Particles: Spring and Viscosity properties have been added for Dynamic Fluid.

• ID 53073 - Shader Tree: Normal Map Blend mode has been added to stack normal maps correctly.

• ID 53117 - Performance: In the Advanced viewport, the minimum GPU RAM specification has been increased from 512 MB to 1 GB.

• ID 53432 - UI: Tooltips has been added to Preview.

Bug Fixes

This is a list of the most important bug fixes. For a full list, see The Foundry Community site.

Deformers: Selection drawing wasn't disabled when scrubbing or playing animations.

File Output: The Unreal export didn't work as expected.

There was no progress confirmation when re-exporting or overwriting unchanged image files.

The image map names were missing for warning/handling of non-alphanumeric characters.

The file names were missing for warning/handling of non-alphanumeric characters.

File names for images used in the clip view were not captured.

Export Substance textures was not supported.

File Output (Game Export): The latest version of the Unreal Modo Material Importer was not supported.

File Output: UV Distortion Maps were not filtered out from .fbx files when exported.

Network Rendering: Rendering with Use Network Nodes Only enabled caused Modo to crash.

Preview: There were no notification if all buckets had been processed at least once in Preview Animation.

Render: Occlusion-based edge rounding was skipped entirely for indirect rays.

Render: Render performance was slow generating scenes using indirect rays.

• ID 29134 - Shader Tree: Duplicating a nested layer mask created a nested layer mask in the group mask.

• ID 30312 - Model layout:  With Symmetry on, axis transform handles were drawn in the wrong transformation. For example, the Y axis moved in the X direction and the X axis moved in the Z direction.

• ID 30417 - Render layout: Moving points on a curve broke continuous implicit UV textures.

• ID 36363 - Shader Tree: Duplicating or copying an instance in the Shader Tree set its effect incorrectly.

• ID 36881 - Presets: Selecting a material mask, then double-clicking to add presets, loaded them incorrectly.

• ID 37318 - Model layout: Undoing the workPlane.fitGeometry and workPlane.fitSelect commands did not work correctly.

• ID 38613 - Sculpt layout: Image-based sculpting sometimes broke meshes along polygon borders.

• ID 40167 - Animation layout: Pivot snapping did not work in Skeleton Edit mode.

• ID 41021 - Render layout: Using the Shadow Density render output resulted in high render times.

• ID 41326 - Deformers: Wrap Deformer did not respond to deformations on the wrap mesh.

• ID 41743 - File Output: When exporting Alembic format data files, unit distances were not preserved.

• ID 42163 - Shader Tree: Blending between two masks (material presets), and altering the properties of the topmost mask, did not blend results correctly.

• ID 42391 - Dynamics: Closed polylines were simulated as if opened.

• ID 43736 - File Input: Importing Alembic format data files changed the scene to 24 fps.

• ID 44616 - File Output: When using Export Selected Layers, Modo crashed exporting layers to separate files.

• ID 44732 - Preview: Autofocus (Ctrl/Cmd+F) did not work in full-resolution mode.

• ID 45172 - GL: Performance - Zooming in and out, with the mouse in a dense scene, sometimes caused a lag.

• ID 45847 - Volumes: VDBVoxel motion blur didn't orient properly.

• ID 46732 - File Input: Vertex maps without a name could not be selected.

• ID 46781 - UI: Dragging the render camera label sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 47134 - Network Rendering: If the last frame was rendered on a slave system, the Render window didn't show it.

• ID 47230 - File Output: Export of Alembic format data files failed due to a custom channel called inherit.

• ID 47636 - File Output: Export of Alembic format data files failed to include User channels.

• ID 47909 - UI: Editing the Work Plane made it visible, even when its visibility was disabled.

• ID 47916 - File Output: Export of Alembic format data files failed if the scene FPS was not set.

• ID 48187- Dynamics: Compound Rigid Body Glue did not work.

• ID 48495 - File Output: Exporting unsupported face types in Alembic format data files caused Modo to crash.

• ID 48630 - UI: The command query button worked as a toggle in most forms but not in Pie menus.

• ID 48669 - UI Linux only: Meshfusion object set to Airtight Final crashed Modo when Dup & Convert to Mesh was applied.

• ID 48724 - Preview: A maximized Preview failed to update keyed color changes when switching frames.

• ID 48793 - Animation layout: Animation Baking did not work with Dynamic Parenting.

• ID 48952 - Performance: Working on FBX scenes or objects which were imported with high values for scaling causes extreme GUI lags.

• ID 49304 - UI Linux only: Selecting None for the camera's background image caused Modo to crash.

• ID 49440 - UI Mac: Target filenames were not displayed in the missing file dialog.

• ID 49810 - GL: In the Advanced viewport, a negative scale of an object displayed as flipped polygons.

• ID 49857 - Deformers: Lattice deformation smoothing was incorrect.

• ID 50208 - Shader Tree: Using a procedural material as a Layer Mask rendered incorrectly until disabling and re-enabling the layer above it.

• ID 50412 - Schematic: Assembly values were not saved and reloaded with specific scenes.

• ID 50459 - UI Linux: Popover windows did not display when activated.

• ID 50601 - File Input: Importing .obj files with the material Diffuse set to 0%, produced black textures.

• ID 50623 - Volumes: Preview didn't respond to feature parameter changes made to VDBVoxel items.

• ID 50629 - GL: Changing the Preference > Color Management > Change Default View Colorspace setting with the Advanced viewport active caused Modo to crash.

• ID 50634 - Preview: Editing the material of an invisible item made it visible.

• ID 50657 - Procedurals: Translating procedural meshes was slow.

• ID 50684 - Deformers: The Lattice deformer did not work correctly in some cases.

• ID 50789 - GL: In the Advanced viewport, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) caused a memory leak.

• ID 50802 - Volumes: Blobs didn't render in Preview with a Particle Source and Orthographic Camera.

• ID 51015 - UI: Shift + right-clicking 3D Selection Add did not work, but Alt + right-clicking did, when in Maya navigation remapping.

• ID 51021 - Model layout: The Text tool's Font menu only displayed the first member of font families.

• ID 51174 - GL: When started in Play mode, there was no indication that Play mode was active.

• ID 51292 - Model layout: Using the Bevel or Inset tool caused shading issues for all polygons that had holding edges for holes.

• ID 51298 - File Input: Modo either crashed or displayed the error message Scene load unsuccessful when importing a specific Alembic format data file.

• ID 51332 - Model layout: Make Curve Fill didn't work as expected.

• ID 51397 - Render layout: Round Edge Shader didn't work in certain situations.

• ID 51401 - Render layout: Loading a .png file into the Render Window did not work as expected.

• ID 51424 - Fusion: Alt+N and Alt+M produced errors when a non-Fusion item was selected.

• ID 51443 - GL: The Environment Map was flipped in Advanced viewport orthographic views.

• ID 51450 - Model layout: The MeshFusion trim tool produced unexpected results and displayed jagged edges where the mesh quads were cut off.

• ID 51452 - Model layout: The MeshFusion trim tool displayed jagged edges.

• ID 51513 - Animation layout: The Camera Matching Line length control wasn't accurate and did not match the geometry to an image.

• ID 51529 - GL: Environment reflection did not work correctly in orthogonal viewports.

• ID 51554 - GL: The Advanced viewport roughness did not match Modo's render with Image-based lighting (IBL).

• ID 51686 - Model layout: Drawing a curve in the base mesh in the procedural with Merge Meshes and Polygon Reduce operations caused Modo to crash.

• ID 51695 - Render layout: Baking a UDIM bake item with save output for .png formats created corrupted saved images.

• ID 51772 - GL: The Default and Orthographic views of the Model layout displayed artifacts.

• ID 51809 - Schematic: Closing a scene after using with no arguments caused Modo to crash.

• ID 51865 - Model layout: Procedural tool handles sometimes severely affected viewport performance.

• ID 51957 - GL: Using a GL background with Gradient set in an Orthographic view looked incorrect.

• ID 52068 - Dynamics: Mesh Shatter source mode created shards incorrectly.

• ID 52081 - Particles: Particle Modifiers using a mesh as an input Point Source changed the particle color to black.

• ID 52240 - Render layout: Texture Replicators did not work correctly on vertical surfaces.

• ID 52246 - Model layout: The Polygon Extrude mesh operation only worked when the axis was set to none.

• ID 52247 - Shader Tree: The Particle ID list displayed Material IDs.

• ID 52249 - File Input: Using the Image tab Add button to make a new image group failed.

• ID 52258 - Sculpting layout: Cutting and pasting part of a multi-resolution sculpt mesh removed sculpting on the part of the mesh that was not cut.

• ID 52290 - UI: Environment images didn't appear in the Images tab when loading scenes with those clips parented.

• ID 52297 - Scripting: The NEXUS_SCRIPTS environment variable did not change the location for implicit scripts run with @.

• ID 52320 - Preview: Volume items did not display the alpha output in Preview.

• ID 52321 - Sculpting layout: Unsupported falloff input options remained in the Sculpt Modifiers menu.

• ID 52325 - Model layout: Copying and pasting a closed curve caused the pasted curve item to have a sharp start/end point.

• ID 52334 - Mesh Types: Using the poly.convert command on curves produced unexpected results.

• ID 52364 - Model layout: The Extrude and Bevel mesh operations sometimes caused Modo to become unresponsive when used on a frozen Text item.

• ID 52381 - Preview did not updated correctly when visibility changed on an Item Shader.

• ID 52389 - Preview: Deleting a Cel Edges material while Preview was running caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52399 - Model layout: After having a Freeze mesh operation in the stack, any change to the Subdivision Level of the base mesh didn't update until you disabled and re-enabled the Freeze mesh operation.

• ID 52403 - Shader Tree: Deleting a Shader mask caused Modo to crash or become unresponsive.

• ID 52407 - Preview: Changing the convergence slider relaunched Preview.

• ID 52411 - Model layout: The Radial Array Merge Vertices option only merged vertices with the source geometry.

• ID 52415 - Render layout: Bump maps couldn't be baked from a mesh.

• ID 52423 - Model layout: Freezing subdivisions to quads with the Freeze mesh operation did not update when changing subdivision level on the mesh.

• ID 52442 - Model layout: The Tube tool sometimes crashed if you tried to select a non-existent preset by using a script or command.

• ID 52445 - Procedurals: A scene containing a hidden procedural mesh took a long time to open.

• ID 52470 - Model layout: Modo became unresponsive when adding a Polygon Bevel Mesh Operation to a specific item.

• ID 52480 - GL: After disabling GL visibility performance checkboxes with the Advanced viewport active Modo crashed.

• ID 52484 - Preview: When changing the Render Curve Start value while running Preview Modo crashed.

• ID 52487 - Deformers: The Add Item buttons in the Mesh Operations list and in the Item List displayed the same name.

• ID 52488 - Deformers: The Add Item list in the Mesh Operations list and in the Schematic viewport displayed as Procedural in the menu.

• ID 52490 - UI: Some deformers had no buttons in the Setup layout toolbar.

• ID 52498 - Animation: A customer project was performing significantly slower in Modo 10.1 than in Modo 10.0.

• ID 52500 - UI: No Apply button was displayed in the Edge Slide tool properties.

• ID 52503 - Scripting: Using a command alias for mesh cleanup caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52515 - Model layout: Running the Mesh Cleanup or Merge Vertices commands on specific meshes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52528 - Render layout: When rendering a specific scene after deleting the B-spline Weight Map Modo crashed.

• ID 52539 - Model layout: Deleting a Weight Map with transparent materials caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52553 - Render layout: When using standard scene lights with negative intensity values, a clipped patch of black was displayed.

• ID 52556 - UI: Some area light flags were disabled but were still needed if the falloff type was changed.

• ID 52563 - Shader Tree: Two Texture Locators were created when Final Color output was defined using the Bake Wizard.

• ID 52567 - Deformers: The Deformer List showed graphs ordered in the opposite order to the Schematic.

• ID 52582 - Render: The Render Output Bake item didn't save to an output directory driven by a String Constant node.

• ID 52583 - Render layout: Render failures occurred using Bake items.

• ID 52584 - Preview: Adjusting Occlusion Texture cache settings with Preview running caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52585 - Model layout: Copying procedural items from one scene to another didn't work.

• ID 52586 - Model layout: The Procedural Lattice Effector crashed when scaling lattice points.

• ID 52599 - Deformers: Polygon rollover highlighting was incorrect for deformed meshes.

• ID 52610 - UI: Texture falloff XYZ was only visible when the Locator was selected.

• ID 52621 - Scripting: Trying to remove an item when the value was set to None (scene.removeItems(None)) caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52633 - Shader Tree: Texture Replicators did not align to particles.

• ID 52644 - Volumes: Navigating Preview with VDBVoxel items was much slower in Modo 10.1v2.

• ID 52645 - Model layout: The Right-click Lasso selected more than expected.

• ID 52656 - Model layout:  UV data was lost when freezing a procedural item.

• ID 52660 - Model layout: modo_cl crashed when running the poly.freeze command on curves with Tessellation set to false.

• ID 52665 - Model layout: New materials were not created when copying and pasting polygons into a new scene.

• ID 52668 - Preview: Right-clicking in Preview showed item masks multiple times.

• ID 52688 - UI: Profile names in the Preset Browser displayed the file path instead of the name.

• ID 52701 - Animation: The Command Region command entry field displayed the command name, not the command.

• ID 52709 - File Input: Loading a scene with a corrupt .png image caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52748 - Particles: When using a UV Constraint in a Particle Simulation Modo crashed.

• ID 52786 - Item List: Mesh item visibility couldn't be enabled in Element mode.

• ID 52793 - Paint layout: Flipping image inks created repeats, even if Repeat was disabled.

• ID 52814 - GL: Polygon selection only worked on selected items.

• ID 52826 - Procedurals: Selecting the base mesh and adding an operator placed it in the wrong location in the stack, instead of immediately above the base mesh.

• ID 52830 - Model: Right-clicking on selected edges after beveling caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52857 - Shader: Tree UV mapping was not working correctly with the Texture Switch node.

• ID 52858 - Shader Tree: Modo allowed Particle IDs to be 1.0 (previously, any ID >= 1 was set to 0) for the Texture Switch node. It added the username for the Particle ID channel.

• ID 52860 - Content: Closing a scene with a SLIK2 Studio preset in it caused Modo to crash.

• ID 52889 - UV: Using Bevel with Inset and Make UVs Connected broke the UVs.

• ID 52893 - UV: Copying and pasting from the UV lists tab sometimes broke UVs.

• ID 52899 - Procedurals: New mesh operations were always added to the top of the Mesh Operations list.

• ID 52940 - Deformers: Lattice points set up with Item Influence crashed when used as a Replicator prototype.

• ID 52969 - Deformers: Tools were not respecting the Enable Deformers option setting in the viewport.

• ID 53131 - Procedurals: The Path Generator tool operation flipped polygons.

• ID 53134 - Shader Tree: Dragging and dropping an item into a new scene reordered all associated shaders.

• ID 53137 - Preview: Replicators could not be deselected.

• ID 53172 - File Import: Loading an .fbx file with a user-defined channel name caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53194 - Network Rendering: Image processing was not possible and dummy thumbnail images were generated for offloaded (slave-only) renders after the 10th render.

• ID 53207 - File Output: Saving Substance images sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53219 - Schematic: When dragging materials from one file to the other, all schematic links were lost.

• ID 53229 - UI: The Time Offset Type channel had a dropdown menu with incorrect entries.

• ID 53248 - File Output: Alembic format data files crashed or hung when exporting a procedural mesh with a Bevel mesh operation.

• ID 53457 - UV: Selecting the next loop on a UV map caused Modo to crash.

Developer Notes

Here are the changes relevant to developers.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

The DrawingOverride metaclass has been added.

ILxSchematicGroup, ILxSchematicNode, ILxSchematicNodeChannel and ILxSchematicNodeConnection have been added. ILxSchematicNodeConnection Count and ByIndex are not fully implemented.

The saveOK method didn't take the MSGDIALOG_NO message into account.

ILxSceneEvalListener has been extended to add two new functions: ChannelPreValue and ChannelPostValue. These are called before and after a series of ChannelValue calls to signal a series of related changes.

The ChannelTracker has been extended to pass a flags value that specifies the reason the channel tracker is being called; Pre, Value, or Post.

Mesh edits performed by TD SDK couldn't be undone.

RenderCache: GeoCacheSurface_SourceItem() has been updated to return intanced items. PrintStats has been updated to not display segment information (faster for heavy scenes) and output more information for instanced items.

The RenderCache documentation has been updated.

• ID 41346 - Resizing a viewport sometimes caused the mesh to turn white.

• ID 49913 - A specific scene caused RenderCache to crash when you changed the render camera from Camera 2 to Camera 1.

• ID 51346 - Changing dependent channels in plug-ins didn't update forms.

• ID 51728 - Command blocks didn't allow message keys.

• ID 52550 - notifications for vector channels are now handled by base name.

• ID 52561 - RGBA map definition has been added to the TD SDK meshgeometry.

• ID 52731 - Setting multiple channel values ignored the action argument.

• ID 52812 - Moving a proxy with RenderCache on caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53196 - TD SDK: Setting the color channel did not work as expected.

• ID 53198 - RenderCache: Drawing a Bezier curve with sdk.rcache.listen on caused Modo to crash.