You are here: Simulation > Dynamics Overview > Dynamic Item

Dynamic Item

To make an item dynamic, you need to tag it with one of the dynamic item types. Each type determines how the body behaves when moving or colliding with other objects. For example, a Soft Body bends and deforms similar to cloth, whereas a Rigid Body doesn't deform or break. The different types of dynamic item are described in Dynamic Item Types.

Dynamics are created in the Setup layout.

To Make an Item Dynamic

1.   Select the Setup layout and go into Items mode.
2.   Select the item.
3.   Click the Dynamics sub-tab of the Commands panel on the left.

This opens the Dynamics toolbox.

4.   Select the type of dynamic item that you want to apply.

This tags the selected item with the dynamic item type.

For example, to apply soft, cloth-like dynamics, select Soft Body.

To Remove Dynamics from an Item

To stop an object having dynamic properties:

1.   In Items mode, select the item.
2.   Select Dynamics > Remove Dynamics.


Hold Shift, you'll see that most of the dynamic item buttons change to Remove Dynamics.

Click any of the Remove Dynamics buttons.

To Toggle Dynamics on an Item

To temporarily disable an item's dynamics, uncheck Enable at the top of the Dynamic tab in the Item Properties panel.

Dynamic Item Properties

A dynamic item has an additional property tab called Dynamic, in the Item Properties panel. The Dynamic tab contains the settings for the dynamics simulation.

You can modify the settings to change the behavior of the dynamic item during movement and collision.

When a dynamic item is selected, the following attributes appear in the Properties panel.

General Properties

General Properties


Toggles dynamics on and off for the item.

When enabled, Modo applies dynamics to the item when a simulation is run or cached.

When disabled, the dynamic properties are ignored.


Dynamic items can be defined as one of three types:

Rigid: The item is treated as a solid object with a fixed, unchanging volume.

Softbody: A soft body deforms during a collision or when a force is applied.

Curves: Curves are used for items that consist of one or more curved strands such as hair or wires.

Selecting each option hides/reveals different attributes in the Properties panel.

To Create a Pick Map of Curve Vertices

Pick Maps are a type of Vertex Map that designate vertices as selected or not selected. You can create a Pick Map to identify vertices in a curve that should remain fixed during dynamic simulation. Pick Maps are added using the Vertex Map List viewport or the Vertex Map menu.

NOTE:  Once created, the Pick Map appears in the Pin Map option, in the Curves section of the dynamic item properties.

1.   Select Vertex Map > Create...

This opens the Vertex Map dialog.

2.   Set the Vertex Map Type to Pick.
3.   Type a name for the map in Vertex Map Name. Click OK.
4.   To make sure the new map is selected, open the Vertex Map List panel.

Click + next to the panel tabs.

Select Data ListsVertex Map List.

5.   Ensure your Pick List is selected in the Vertex Map List panel, under Other Maps.
6.   Activate Vertices selection mode and select the target vertices in the curve that should remain fixed.
7.   Add the vertices to the pick map:

Select Vertex Map > Set Value...

This will open the Set Vertex Map Value dialog.

Set Vertex Map Type to Pick.

Set Value to 1.0. Click OK.

NOTE:  The Value determines if the vertex is affected by dynamics. A value of 0 means the vertex is not selected, and is not affected by dynamics. A value of 1 means it is selected, and is affected by dynamics.

Additional vertices can be added or removed from the pick map at a later time. With the Pick Map highlighted, select the vertex and open Vertex Map > Set Value.... Set the value to 0 to remove the vertex, or 1 to add the vertex.