Create New Vertex Map

With the Create New Vertex Map command you can create a new Vertex Map, provide a unique name for the map, and set an initial value. Once created, the named map immediately appears within the appropriate section of the Lists viewport.

Create VMap Dialog

Vertex Map Name: Type a unique identifying name for the Vertex Map.

Vertex Map Type: Specify the type of map to create.

Map Type


Weight Map

Stores weight strength values for falloffs and texturing.

SubD Weight Map

Stores weight strength values that influence the creasing values in SubDivision (SubD) Surface geometry.

UV Map

Translates 3D vertex positions to flat 2D coordinates.

Relative Morph Map

Offsets vertex positions relative to the base vertex position.

Absolute Morph Map

Offsets vertex position to a specific absolute position in 3D space.


Defines a vertex color map based on red, green, and blue color values.


Defines a vertex color map based on red, green, and blue color values and an additional transparency (Alpha) value.

Pick Map

Defines groupings of vertices and is similar to a selection set.

Vertex Normal Map

Stores surface normal direction (smoothing) values as fixed values.

Edge Pick Map

Defines groupings of edges and is similar to a selection set.

Init Value: When enabled, defines an initial value for the newly created Vertex Map. For vertex color maps, this would be Color values: as RGB values or RGBA values. For Weight Maps, this would be a single numerical Value.