Release Notes for Modo 11.0v1


Release Date

20 April 2017

System Requirements

Officially Supported Operating Systems

Mac OS X 10.10.x, 10.11.x, and 10.12.x (64-bit only)

Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 (64-bit only)

Linux 64-bit operating system (CentOS/RHEL 7+)

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Intel processor(s), Core i3 or higher

1 GB available hard disk space (for Modo installation).

6 GB available hard disk space (for full content).

At least 4 GB RAM

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

Internet connection for product activation and online videos access

The Advanced viewport mode requires an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 1 GB of graphics memory and drivers that support OpenGL 3.2 or higher.

Recommended System Requirements

Note:  This information is our best recommendation for the average user. Requirements vary by usage, and individual users may have different requirements from those listed here.

2.5+ GHz quad-core processor

250+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files, SSD is preferable

16 GB RAM with additional virtual memory*

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

An NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with the latest drivers

2+ GB of graphics memory

OpenGL 4.4 or higher support

*The use of virtual memory improves stability and helps prevent data loss on large projects.

Tested Workstation Hardware

The configurations listed below are those that The Foundry have tested with Modo. Due to the constantly changing nature and wide variety of computer hardware available in the market, Foundry is unable to officially certify hardware. The list below can be used as a recommendation and does not guarantee that it meets your particular needs.

Please download and install the latest graphics driver from the NVIDIA or AMD websites. Make sure that you are using 8.982.8.1 drivers or higher for AMD cards.

If you encounter any issues, please visit the Support Portal at

Tested Workstation Hardware


MacPro4, 1

MacPro5, 1

iMac13, 2

MacBookPro10, 1


Dell T1700

Dell T3610

Dell T3620

Dell T5810

Dell T7610

Dell T7910

Dell Precision Rack 7910

Dell Precision 5510

Dell Precision 5520

Dell Precision 7710

Dell Precision 7720

Dell M2800

Dell M6800


HP Z440

HP Z600


Tested GPU Hardware

AMD Prosumer Graphics Cards

Radeon™ HD 1900 XT

Radeon™ HD 2400 XT

Radeon™ HD 2600 Pro

Radeon™ HD 3870

AMD Enterprise Graphics Cards

FirePro™ W4170

FirePro™ W5000

FirePro™ W8000

FirePro™ W2100

FirePro™ W5100

FirePro™ W4100

FirePro™ W7100

FirePro™ W8100

FirePro™ W9100

Radeon Pro WX7100

Radeon Pro WX5100

Radeon Pro WX4100


NVIDIA Prosumer Graphics Cards

Geforce GTX 680

Geforce GTX Titan

Geforce GT 650M

NVIDIA Enterprise Graphics Cards

Quadro® K6000

Quadro® K5000

Quadro® K4000

Quadro® K2000

Quadro® K600

Quadro® K5200

Quadro® K4200

Quadro® K2200

Quadro® K1200

Quadro® K620

Quadro® M5000

Quadro® M4000

NVIDIA Quadro Graphics Cards:






New Features


Game Export Improvements

The Game Asset Exporter has been redesigned to make it more useful and easier to manage.

Progressive Baking Accessibility

Progressive Baking is now available from the menu bar, by clicking Render > Open Progressive Baking.

Unreal Material Importer Workflow Improvements

Some improvements have been made to the material importer workflow for Unreal, you can now:

Import materials to any folder in Unreal Engine's Content Browser.

Import textures into the texture sub-path, which can be specified in Modo's Game Asset Exporter.

Import and update only selected materials in the Content Browser.

Import and update only the materials that are used by selected meshes in the Content Browser.

Assign materials to imported meshes, instead of instances in the scene.

Use both the Modo Material button and Unreal Engine 4's Import button to import materials.


Auto Retopo Improvements

The following new options have been added to the Automatic Retopology tool:

Shortest EdgePoly Scaling option

CurvaturePoly Scaling option

Adaptive Poly Count mode

New Mesh option

Auto-activating Ghosting and Edit Base Mesh Command

Accessing the base mesh in procedural modeling has been simplified. When any base mesh is selected, ghost mode is now automatically enabled. Secondly, the Edit Base Mesh command has been added in the mesh options. This command directly sets up the editable base mesh mode for the selected item.

Implicit Mesh Operation Selection

Items that are related to the same Mesh Operations list are now implicitly selected, so all their properties are visible at the same time.

MeshFusion Workflow Enhancements

The following improvements have been made to the MeshFusion workflow:

In-place Compound Trim creation and editing - a new workflow has been added for automating the creation and editing of Compound Trims.

Cut, Copy, Paste, and Split tools - new commands have been added for cutting, copying, pasting, and splitting elements of a Fusion Item.

Optimization Control - you can now optimize MeshFusion performance by either caching Boolean operation, or by caching meshes.

Remove-Delete Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts for deleting and removing components have been changed. The Delete and Backspace keys delete components, while Shift+Backspace removes polygons. 

Sculpt Brush Preview

When a brush-based tool is activated, a circle is now drawn under the mouse when you hover over a surface, to make painting and sculpting easier.

Select by Previous Operation

This new mesh operation allows you to select previously created elements in the Mesh Operations list.

Out of the Box Experience

Grid Display

A new panel has been added to specify Work Plane and grid display. You can click Work Plane > Grid and Work Plane settings to open the panel.

Installation Streamlining

The following improvements have been made to the installation process:

License dialog - the License dialog has been updated.

Application name - Modo now installs using a proper Foundry naming convention.

Start after install - the Windows installer now includes an option to start Modo after completing the installation process.

Modo content - Modo now includes a core set of content. Basic sets of assemblies, aliases, brushes, colors, matcaps, basic and sculpting meshes, profiles, paint and sculpt tools, and image inks are provided. The Preset Browsers point to these core presets by default, where applicable, while still providing access to external content.

Start-up messages - the various start-up messages have been consolidated into one dialog.

New version warning - when a new Modo version is available, a notification is displayed, prompting you to download it. Clicking Yes in the dialog opens the page.

Introduction Screen

The new introduction screen allows you to quickly open and create projects, and access learning materials.

Motion Blur for Procedural Meshes

Procedural meshes now support motion blur. This allows procedural geometry that has been generated by mesh operations, to appear blurred as the polygonal elements move through the frame.

Preview Render Region Toolbar

A toolbar has been added to the Render tab to activate and set a render region in Preview, as well as change the render camera.

Safe Mode

To aid customer support in debugging issues, you can now run Modo without loading any kits, plug-ins, or custom configurations.

Tool HUD

The Tool HUD, a context-sensitive form containing recently used tools, is available in the 3D viewport for every layout. You can toggle its visibility by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Tab.

VDBVoxel Improvements

The following improvements have been made to the VDBVoxel item:

Transform options - the VDBVoxel item now has Transform options in the Properties panel.

Velocity Scale - velocity data can now be loaded if a voxel is created from particles that have velocity information. Velocity Scale is used for scaling velocity data, by default it is set to 0, so as to match the results in previous Modo versions. The value of velocity impacts generated voxels and the generated mesh.

Motion Blur - a scale value for motion blur, applicable to voxels created from particles that have velocity information.

Performance and Efficiency

Backdrop Item Visibility

A Show in Perspective checkbox has been added to the Backdrop item properties, which enables and disables the visibility of Backdrop items in the Perspective view.

Curve Particle Generator Improvements

The Curve Particle Generator's alignment has been improved and new End of Curve behaviors have been added.

Item Draw Cache

To speed up the display of items, several improvements to internal item drawing have been made, especially in the cases of locators and animation. The animation display is now cached for every frame for faster playback.

Faster Viewport Switching with Gradient

The speed of switching from the Default to the Advanced viewport has been improved.

Fur in the Advanced Viewport

With the fur material, fur can now be displayed as segmented lines in the Advanced viewport.

GL Drawing Performance

The speed of drawing instance items, replica surfaces, and replica bounding boxes has been improved.

Item List Improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Item List:

Fast item hiding - you can now quickly hide and reveal items using the Alt+click and Shift+Alt+click keyboard shortcuts.

Select button - the Select button at the top of the Item List now allows you to select items using a specific text pattern.

Render camera icon - the render icon is displayed next to the render camera, and its name is bold. You can now also set the render camera by right-clicking the camera in the Item List.

OpenSubdiv Drawing Package

The OSD drawing override now draws Pixar subdivision surfaces using OpenSubdiv 3.0 instead of native Catmull-Clark and Subdivision polygon mesh drawing. This improves the drawing speed for high subdivision levels.

Schematic Improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Schematic viewport:

Node snapping - nodes are snapped into position when added to the Schematic.

Instancing links - instances are highlighted in pink when you select their source item.

Select Inputs - you can now select a node and all its incoming nodes by right-clicking the node, then in the context-menu, clicking Select Inputs.

Selection Sets

Selection set groups - you can now organize items using a specific selection set into a selection set group.

Selection set UI - selection sets have been made more accessible by adding a button to the modes toolbar, which opens the Selection Sets panel.

Spline and Bezier Deformer Improvements

Modo 11.0 adds an improved method for computing the setup of deformed transformation, to avoid twisting problems. The following properties have also been added to the Spline and Bezier Effector's properties:

Draw Setup

Align To Spline

Anti-Twist Threshold

Use Twist

Use Scale

Orbit Twist

Transform and Duplicate

You can now transform and duplicate components at the same time, holding Ctrl/Cmd+Shift when using the Transform tools.


Irradiance Caching Improvements

The following enhancements have been made to irradiance caching:

Anisotropic irradiance values - cached irradiance values previously had circular regions of influence based on their distance to the closest nearby surface. This meant that IC values tended to be densely packed near inside edges such as between a wall and a ceiling. Now they can have elliptical regions of influence, allowing them to be spaced further apart in the direction parallel to an inside edge, potentially saving render time and memory.

Store Direct Light option - this option is now enabled by default. It includes illumination from direct light sources in addition to indirect illumination in the secondary irradiance cache values, saving time whenever a first bounce indirect ray hits a surface that already has cached secondary values.

Maximum Radiance

The Maximum Radiance render setting has been changed into a unitless floating point number and it acts as a multiplier for the most highly exposed render output in the scene.

Mesh Light Improvements

The following enhancements have been made to mesh lights:

Caustics - mesh lights and cylinder lights can now generate caustics like other direct light types. Direct caustics need to be enabled in the Render Global Illumination settings, and caustics only show in final renders, where photon tracing is calculated.

Use Prototype Transform - this new option allows you to position a mesh light item's light by positioning the prototype mesh item. This option is enabled by default, but scenes created in previous versions still load with this option disabled.

Occlusion Baking Improvements

Occlusion rays fired from the base of the source surface no longer hit the back side of polygons by default. In order for occlusion rays to hit the back side of surfaces, their materials need to be double-sided.

Render Output Masking

Render outputs now support group masks and layer masks in the Shader Tree

Simplification of Render Settings

The render Properties tabs have been updated to use form proficiency levels to hide many of the more advanced controls by default and allow focus on the most relevant options. In addition, the render settings preset loader and camera picker are available on all three tabs.

Feature Enhancements

Deformers: Most of the hidden channels for the Spline and Bezier Deformers have been moved into the Properties panel.

Windows only: Support for SolidWorks 2017 has been added.

File Output: Games Export - Texture export paths have been fixed so they are no longer considered absolute paths if prefixed by a forward slash.

Network Rendering: We now pass frame buffers back from workers for per-frame rendering.

Render layout: The Material-level Importance control now also affects indirect (GI) and direct light samples, which allows you to use it to control the overall quality of a specific material.

Render layout: An error message has been added for the render.dpi being disabled when not using physical resolution units.

Sculpt: A sculpt.constraint tool has been added to the Preset and Sculpt toolbar. In addition, the Sculpt toolbar now has added labels on the dividers to allow collapsing of tools and settings.

UI: An Add Loop tool has been added to the contextual pop-up menus and to the Tool HUD.

UI: A progress monitor has been added to UV Atlas creation.

• ID 37933 - Replicators: A Render Multiplier Radius option has been added to control the size of the multiplication area.

• ID 39414 - UI: Dynamics Soft Body tooltips have been updated.

• ID 44623 - UI: For easy access, the Constraint Modifier and Procedural Shatter Dynamics items have been added to the Setup layout Toolbox.

• ID 46919 - Model layout: The Use Connectivity algorithm for the Soft Selection Falloff has been improved.

• ID 48433 - Preview: Un-premultiply support for saving Preview images has been added.

• ID 49144 - UI: An option to auto-disable a backdrop item's visibility in non-orthogonal views has been added.

• ID 50490 - Dynamics: The Bezier Falloff and Spline Falloff dropdown menus now use user names rather than internal names.

• ID 50493 - Dynamics: Dynamic Item properties for the Sleep > Wake On > Force option is now capitalized.

• ID 52554 - Documentation: The Mirror topic has been updated to include more information about setting the Mirror Generator Mode to different Axis options.

• ID - 52743 UI: Tooltips have been added to Particle Expression and other Particle modifiers.

• ID 53234 - File Output: A confirmation dialog has been added to allow you to overwrite previously exported .exr files using the same file name.

• ID 53769 - Dynamics: The legacy option Particle Emit Group was removed from the UI.

• ID 53841 - UI: A typo was corrected in Preferences > Defaults > Switcher Bar for Initially Collapsed.

• ID 54188 - Item List: A warning dialog has been added to alert you that you are about to delete filtered texture locators.

• ID 54236 - Dynamics: Margins for Dynamic Replicators are now locked to the value at the beginning of a simulation. Rigid Bodies that share a common collision shape can't have different margins. This prevents Modo from crashing when changing the margin value while simulating.

• ID 54520 - Model layout: The auto-activate in tool presets has been enabled for the following tools: Bevel (vert,edge,poly), Extrude (vert,edge,poly), Slice (edge,poly), uv.peeler, uv.relax, uv.create, poly.sweep, poly.loopslice, Dicer, and Julienne.

• ID 54897 - Particles: We have removed the Wake on Particle option from the Dynamic Item properties.

Bug Fixes

• ID Render layout: Primary rays were clamped when changing ray clamping values (maximum radiance).

• ID Render layout:  Occlusion rays hit the backside of single-sided polygons.

• ID 15714 - Model layout: Running the vert.join command created corrupted UVs.

• ID 24638 - UV: Switching to the UV viewport, when working with large image maps, caused Modo to perform slowly.

• ID 24733 - Sculpting layout: Changing the Multires palette option from high to low subdivision levels caused responsiveness issues.

• ID 28257 - Deformers: The Spline Deformer did not work as expected in some scenes.

• ID 29723 - Model layout: Pressing Ctrl+Z to reactivate the Solid Sketch tool, with Snapping activated and the Snapping Mode set to Vertex and the Constraint Mode set to Background caused Modo to crash.

• ID 30034 - GL: Undoing the hide selected command (keystroke H), while in Items selection mode, did not work as expected.

• ID 34400 - UI: Pressing O, to expand the active viewport to fill the entire local frame, did not work correctly in some viewports.

• ID 37467 - Model layout: PSUBs did not subdivide polygons correctly for some geometry.

• ID 40486 - Model layout: Editing the final point of the Bezier path generator curve left one of the Bezier node's handles behind.

• ID 40639 - Dynamics: Dynamics Constraints properties for Body A and Body B options did not work correctly.

• ID 41976 - Shader Tree: Deleting multiple image map instances deleted the original texture locator.

• ID 42901 - Deformers: The Spline Deformer deformations did not pass cleanly to Locators.

• ID 42982 - Deformers: Channels for the Move tool with custom handles were not automatically selected.

• ID 43220 - GL: Replicated items were not visible in the OpenGL viewport from certain Camera or Perspective view angles.

• ID 43388 - Preview: Outputs in disabled group masks rendered.

• ID 43640 - UI: The Spline Effector visibility toggle button did not function as expected.

• ID 43679 - Preview: Changing Render Output values restarted Preview.

• ID 43976 - Dynamics: Dynamic Replicators sometimes froze when they hadn't stopped moving.

• ID 44092 - Scripting: Script errors occurred when running lx.eval("item.tag string DESC ?") with more than 2047 characters.

• ID 44501 - Model layout: The Spline Effector and Bezier Effector tools did not work with 1-segment source/target.

• ID 44763 - File Output: Canceling Export as tiled EXR to... didn't quit the command immediately.

• ID 45086 - Render: Using an imported SVG to drive displacement with IC enabled resulted in the render hanging.

• ID 45637 - Deformers: Some polygons in a Mesh item were collapsed by the Spline Effector.

• ID 45847 - Volumes: VDBVoxel motion blur was oriented incorrectly.

• ID 46046 - Deformers: Bezier node handles appeared incorrectly when ignoretransform channel was set to True.

• ID 46499 - Windows only: Autosave changed focus back to Modo when working in another application.

• ID 47548 - Dynamics: Applying a Procedural Shatter to an Active Rigid Body object with an applied force didn't work as expected.

• ID 48385 - UI: Clicking on a tool from a popover and then clicking in the 3D viewport did not activate the tool.

• ID 48625 - Render: Vertex Irradiance Caching displayed artifacts.

• ID 49141 - File Input: Alembic particles didn't provide Particle ID information.

• ID 49145 - Deformers: Creating a loop using a Bezier Effector deformed incorrectly and caused kinks in the mesh.

• ID 49433 - Procedurals: Weights were not propagated to new vertices created by the Polygon Bevel mesh operation.

• ID 49516 - UI: Lines sometimes appeared under form labels.

• ID 49683 - Model layout: Resolution was lost around the root point using the Tube primitive with Closed box and By Length options enabled.

• ID 49814 - Render: Large material roughness values sometimes created invalid Fresnel calculations and caused Modo to crash.

• ID 49871 - UI: The UV View window could not be maximized in the Game Tools layout.

• ID 49965 - UV: Modifying vertices in the UV Editor caused Modo to crash.

• ID 50189 - UI: Changing the brush size with the right mouse button caused panels to redraw with the Mesh Paint tool, including the Mesh Preset window.

• ID 50364 - GL: The Advanced viewport showed visible seams and noise after turning off environment textures.

• ID 50486 - If a mesh had a deformer affecting it, you could not deselect elements using lasso or Ctrl/Cmd+paint with your mouse.

• ID 50820 - UI: Headers or dividers in the Color Picker Color tab didn't collapse.

• ID 50970 - File Output: Exporting frozen surface generator particles in Alembic format failed.

• ID 51061 - UI: Adding Utility > Bake Wizard as a new tab in the right pane caused Modo to crash.

• ID 51179 - Procedurals: Polygon artifacts were created using the UV Transform mesh operation.

• ID 51228 - UV: The vert.join command sometimes merged discontinuous UV vertices incorrectly.

• ID 51339 - GL: The 3D viewport did not update when disabling masks containing a displacement.

• ID 51369 - GL: Loading a specific preset with Replicators turned the viewport yellow and reported an error.

• ID 51640 - File Output: Autosave and scene close failed with unsaved UDIM images.

• ID 52093 - Deformers: Disabling a Spline Effector and then enabling a Bezier Effector did not update the scene.

• ID 52225 - Shader Tree: Duplicating an instance did not create a duplicate, it created an instance of an instance.

• ID 52261 - File Output: Consolidating clips to a tiled EXR function reset the UDIM numbers on all clip items.

• ID 52337 - Shader Tree: Using Add Layer > Group when either the Light or Environment items were selected did not create the group under the Render item.

• ID 52456 - Particles: The Spacing Distance for a Curve Particle Generator did not generate a regular pattern as expected.

• ID 52527 - Render: Black dots (NaNs) appeared in the Render viewport with replicated Catmull-Clark SubDs.

• ID 52553 - Render: Light sources with negative intensity values were clipped badly into black.

• ID 52587 - UI: Adding a plug-in to many servers caused a stack overflow in CompStandardMessageCompose.

• ID 52654 - Procedurals: Setting Size of an axis to 0 for a Cube mesh operation resulted in a random direction of polygon surfaces.

• ID 52801 - Shader Tree: Right-clicking on a Mesh Ops item, to remove it, deleted a previously selected Material item instead.

• ID 52841 - Procedurals: The Clone mesh operation did not work correctly when the source was connected.

• ID 52886 - GL: Draw Faded Grid did not work when the Preferences > InputUnits > Coordinate System > Up Axis option was set to X or Z.

• ID 52891 - Network: Rendering progress did not correctly update in the lower pane of the Render window, when network rendering by frames with workers only.

• ID 53088 - GL: Independent drawing did not work in the Default and Advanced viewports.

• ID 53151 - Render: Saving passes as images sometimes saved the wrong alpha when the scene only had alpha outputs in material masks.

• ID 53182 - GL: The faded grid colors of the axis in the 3D viewport were incorrect when switching from Advanced to Default.

• ID 53209 - Item List: Creating a Group randomly positioned the folder in the Item List.

• ID 53224 - Schematic: Assembly and Alias vector channels did not show gang edit properties.

• ID 53225 - Network: Render progress was not displayed at the top of the Render window, when rendering on a network by frames with workers only.

• ID 53254 - Model layout: Major performance problems occurred when working on specific groups of polygons in a large complex mesh.

• ID 53283 - Dynamics: Selecting options from the Geometry > Mesh Shatter menu caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53324 - Procedurals: Applying the Freeze mesh operation to Bezier text left extra vertices.

• ID 53326 - Schematic: Aliases could not be dragged into the Schematic viewport.

• ID 53333 - UV: Using the Transform tools with the Element action center in the UV Editor did not work as expected.

• ID 53356 - Particles: VDBVoxel items created from particles did not update when the particles were changed.

• ID 53398 - UI: All selected layers did not update when toggling visibility (eye icon) in the Clips tab.

• ID 53424 - Model layout: Focus did not work with Morph targets when Deformers were enabled.

• ID 53446 - UI: Highlighted areas on the Properties panel, during mouse over, sometimes remained highlighted after moving the mouse away.

• ID 53460 - Deformers: Selection Operators were added to the bottom of the graph list when added through the Deformers list.

• ID 53476 - File Output: Two UV sets on a single mesh were not applied correctly to an exported Unity mesh.

• ID 53488 - Render layout:  Changing the Target Color in the Render Window Image Processing tab reverted the color back to white.

• ID 53498 - Mac OS X only: Export Selected Layers caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53503 - Scripting: Disconnecting graph connections using the bitshift-operator (<<) caused an error.

• ID 53542 - Presets: The Scatter Clone tool sometimes crashed when selecting another Preset.

• ID 53565 - Procedurals: Memory was not released after deleting a VDBvoxel item used by a Merge Meshes operation.

• ID 53588 - UI: Overwriting 3D viewport presets caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53603 - Item List: item.duplicate default settings changed based on the last time it was called.

• ID 53624 - Network Rendering: Image processing was not possible with offloaded rendering on a network render, using workers only.

• ID 53625 - Paint: The Fill and Smudge buttons didn't appear as active (orange) when clicked.

• ID 53713 - Scripting: Several vertex and polygon properties returned values from the wrong components.

• ID 53716 - GL: Onion Skinning did not work in the Advanced viewport.

• ID 53737 - Volumes: Reverting a scene, after running the scene containing a VDBvoxel item in the Preview, caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53741 - Scripting: Querying edge selection resulted in a MeshEdges object had no attribute _mesherror.

• ID 53742 - UI: Changing the System > Preferences > Input > Drop Mappings option to Viewport Override did not update the mapping list.

• ID 53743 - UI: Game input mapping shortcut changes were not saved when switching presets.

• ID 53748 - Model: Using the Apply Morph tool to transfer the morph values from a relative to an absolute morph created unexpected results.

• ID 53766 - Volumes: VDBVoxel cache glitches occurred in the 3D viewport and Render view.

• ID 53767 Render: Increasing the value of Spread Angle for a Directional Light caused specular noise.

• ID 53779 - Scripting: Deselecting edges after running a script that selected them was not possible.

• ID 53780 - Model: 2D overlapping edge selections often failed.

• ID 53781 - File Input: Image viewer displayed tiled EXR aspect ratio incorrectly.

• ID 53790 - Render: Scaling down a single mesh light axis made the light brighter.

• ID 53792 - Network Rendering: Aborting a network render, using workers only, caused incorrect functionality and occasionally resulted in Modo crashing.

• ID 53805 - Model layout: Collapsing edges, with edge weighting assigned to them, incorrectly applied weighting to new vertices.

• ID 53806 - Model layout: Edge weighting didn't propagate correctly when applying the Edge Bevel and Polygon Bevel tools.

• ID 53816 - Animation: Deleting an item in a scene, with an active Command Region, caused Modo to crash.

• ID 53817 GL: Image sequences used as a GL Background performed slowly.

• ID 53839 - Replicators: The viewport performance, with a scene containing a Replicator using multiple prototypes, was slow in Modo.

• ID 53844 - SDK: It was not possible to put geometry into setup mode when using a CharacterBox kit script.

• ID 53860 - Particles: Replicating items along a curve using the Curve Particle Generator created alignment issues.

• ID 53868 - Model layout: The polygon.make command did not work on Subdivs (1 or 2 FACE Polygons).

• ID 53893 - Model layout: Mirror merged vertices with hidden geometry.

• ID 53897 - File Output: Exporting Selected Layers did not export Library shaders.

• ID 53910 - GL: Hit testing on curves with transformed parent items was incorrect.

• ID 53914 - UV: UV background images took significantly longer to display than in Modo 10.2.

• ID 53925 - Render: Modo crashed when trying to render with a corrupt frame buffer file on disk.

• ID 53929 - GL: The Environment > Outdoor > Outdoor Spherical 02 preset did not display after switching GL Background to Environment.

• ID 53939 - UI: When a Locator with children was selected, clicking on another item's Delete button presented a warning to delete the Locator.

• ID 53954 - UI: Area Lights allowed setting negative size values when using the tool handles but did not allow negative values set in the Properties pane.

• ID 53955 - UI: With the Preferences > Display > Tool Handles > Draw Style option set to Advanced and Edit > Show Dimensions enabled, incorrect values were displayed in the viewport.

• ID 53967 - Shader Tree: Editing multiple selected groups of textures in the Shader Tree did not work as expected.

• ID 53971 - Model layout: The Symmetrize mesh operation did not work with a Morph Map.

• ID 53993 - Preview: Preview did not always update when shaders were moved in the Shader Tree.

• ID 54007 - UI: Channel state randomly changed to edit mode.

• ID 54012 - UI: Reopening the Edge Selection Set panel, after searching for a property that did not exist, caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54020 - Fusion:  Modo performed slowly for a scene containing many MeshFusion items and resulted in unnecessary updates.

• ID 54034 - Model layout: The OpenSubdiv item caused Modo to crash when closing the scene.

• ID 54037 - Model layout: Undoing an Element Falloff caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54041 - UI: Read-only commands caused panels to size incorrectly.

• ID 54046 - Windows only: Using Bake from Object to Render Outputs sometimes resulted in bad buckets.

• ID 54046 - Render: Optimization for shadow rays caused artifacts in object-to-object baking.

• ID 54054 - Color: Color Picker RGB (HDR) channels capped at 1.125 with Global Options > Numeric CS set to the default sRGB colorspace.

• ID 54056 - UI: The default Preference setting for the FBX Export File Format was not set to Use Latest.

• ID 54058 - Model layout: MeshFusion randomly failed to produce a mesh.

• ID 54065 - Dynamics: The Dynamic Replicator Force options influenced Soft Body items.

• ID 54067 - Render: Mesh smoothing caused the deferred shading samples to merge incorrectly by the shading rate and caused longer render times.

• ID 54077 - UI: The Opacity channel for the Morphed Mesh drawing option, Drawing Style to Cage, was not limited to a 0 -1 range.

• ID 54085 - UI: Changing System > Preferences > Date > Preset Markup Definitions types sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54090 - Shader Tree: Occlusion rays were fired regardless of material mask and caused unnecessary calculations.

• ID 54091 - Model layout: A MeshFusion scene produced an incorrect mesh after switching to the output mode Airtight Final with Parts.

• ID 54092 - Model layout: Applying a geometry Freeze on a mesh that had a displacement map and Deformer caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54093 - Procedurals: Deformers could not be disabled until their Effector was deselected.

• ID 54096 - Model layout: Clone tools used with curves were not working as expected.

• ID 54110 - Model layout: Align Work Plane to Selection did not work correctly with polygons parallel to world axis.

• ID 54114 - Deformers: Setting the Spline Deformer Number option to 2 caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54120 - UV: Selecting the UV island by double-clicking in Polygon selection mode, when the mesh was deformed or keyed was not possible.

• ID 54132 - Preview: Volumetrics was reset in Preview after an Autosave.

• ID 54133 - Shader Tree: Using the drag-and-drop action from the Shader Tree onto a mesh caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54140 - GL: When a viewport preset loaded from the config that was set to use the Advanced viewport, the Advanced viewport was disabled.

• ID 54143 - Scripting: Firing viewport.infoSub caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54146 - Scripting: Adding a vertex in a script was not working.

• ID 54148 - GL: Invisible inactive items caused the viewport navigation to not work as expected.

• ID 54150 - Scripting: Querying view3dservice mouse.hitPos did not work unless the element under the mouse was on a selected item.

• ID 54165 - Scripting: Recorded macros and Python scripts did not allow you to use several core tools.

• ID 54167 - Network Render: A network rendering function crashed during a bake border expansion.

• ID 54172 - Item List: Using the backspace key after selecting an item produced a Schematic node removal error.

• ID 54174 - UI: Remapping the mouse input preset to Maya or (Alt-LMB-MMB zoom) caused the panel not to set the location/pinning state.

• ID 54184 - Model layout: Setting the angle to 180 degrees on the Arc tool caused the geometry to disappear.

• ID 54199 - Dynamics: Dragging a Softbody into another scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54206 - Model layout: The Vertex Map > Apply Morph option did not work as expected.

• ID 54208 - Dynamics: The Procedural Shatter did not connect to the geometry and the solver was missing.

• ID 54214 - Render layout: Vertex Illumination Baking was broken for transformed items.

• ID 54219 - UI: Renaming textures caused Modo to crash if a render item channel toggle was displayed in the UI.

• ID 54229 - Dynamics: Simulating at the current time with a specific scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54230 - Model layout: Drawing a tube in a mesh with procedural operators caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54240 - Item List: Removing tags did not mark the scene as changed and changes were lost when closing the scene in Modo.

• ID 54249 - Render layout: UV seams caused baking to break.

• ID 54263 - Render layout: Portals did not work as expected.

• ID 54274 - Procedurals: Curve Extrude polygons flipped when the sweep path was rotated.

• ID 54276 - Render layout: Moving the render camera's target sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54300 - Shader Tree: Copying multiple texture layers was not possible and the colors of a pasted texture layer were not transferred.

• ID 54301 - Mesh Types: Changing from an instance to a mesh did not respect multiple selections.

• ID 54345 - File Input: Reloading an auto-saved scene, when references were not auto-saved caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54353 - UV: Edge Bevel incorrectly created UVs in an empty UV map.

• ID 54362 - UI: A corrupted customized config file was deleted rather than renamed.

• ID 54379 - Preview: Preview did not output black values in the Alpha output when rays missed the surface in Bake mode.

• ID 54386 - GL: Locking the Work Plane did not make it visible when the visibility was set to active.

• ID 54393 - UV: Setting the polygon type to Subdivs with UV Distortion enabled, caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54413 - File Input: Importing multiple SolidWorks files sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54509 - Volumes: VDBVoxel did not load assets compressed with Blosc.

• ID 54516 - Render layout: Render curves rendered black.

• ID 54552 - File Output: Game Tools > Export failed when the material had an image in it.

• ID 54556 - Deformers: Handles appeared in the incorrect location on deformed items.

• ID 54566 - UI: Work Plane spelling was not consistent.

• ID 54579 - Fusion: MeshFusion items were invisible when the 3D Viewport Properties > Visibility > Show Locators option was disabled.

• ID 54631 - Particles: Particle Look At Modifier Apply 0% incorrectly modified the incoming particles.

• ID 54639 - Performance: vertMap.applyMorph caused unnecessary procedural mesh evaluation when selection changed.

• ID 54647 - Model layout: Applying Edge Fill Quad and a fill with a grid pattern option produced a 2 polys unsubdivided in a 3 x 1 polygon selection.

• ID 54676 - Model layout: Reusing SelectUse Selection Set caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54816 - Windows only: The DirectShow API framework failed to load an audio file and caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54825 - GL: PSub was corrupted when changing the subdivision level.

• ID 54847 - Particles: The Curve Particle Generator incorrectly spaced particles.

• ID 54860 - File Output: Exporting a mesh item parented to an instance item to .fbx caused Modo to crash.

• ID 54877 - File Input: The MDD reader did not close files and the handle count increased as you moved around in the Timeline.

• ID 54905 - Particles: The Point Count channel disappeared from the properties of the Curve Particle Generator.

• ID 54906 - Replicators: Replicator and Curve Particle Generator using bad geometry caused Modo to crash.

• ID 55009 - Volumes: Volume rendering with VDBVoxel items had clipping issues.

• ID 55019 - Fusion: Moving meshes that are part of a MeshFusion item sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 55123 - Scripting: Using a script to bake items in a scene sometimes caused Modo to crash.

Developer Notes

Here are the changes relevant to developers.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

SDK: It was not possible to get a CLxUser_SchematicNode() interface from a Schematic item node.

SDK: ILxSchematicNodeConnection has been replaced with ILxSchematicNodeChannel in the Schematic SDK.