Adding and Positioning User Tracks

You can add as many User Tracks as required, depending on what you intend to accomplish. For example, auto-track assist may only require one or two User Tracks, whereas manual tracking would require at least eight User Tracks.

1.   Enable the fast-add button at the top of the Viewer and click in the Viewer to add User Tracks or click Add Track on the UserTracks tab in the properties panel.

NOTE:  Clicking Add Track places the new track in the center of the current Viewer.

TIP:  You can quickly add User Tracks by holding Ctrl/Cmd+Alt and clicking in the Viewer.

Track zoom windows display in the top left of the Viewer.

There are three zoom windows initially:

Reference frame (green) - the first frame in the track, which remains constant, allowing you to locate the feature more accurately in subsequent frames.

Current frame (orange) - the playhead position. Use this window to adjust the tracking anchor on the current frame by comparing it to the reference frame.

Keyframe (blue) - the first keyframe in the sequence. Adding more keyframes adds a zoom window per keyframe.

TIP:  You can click on a keyframe zoom window to instantly jump to that frame.

TIP:  You can hide the zoom windows by setting the Zoom Window Viewer control to Off.

2.   Drag the crosshair in the center of the anchor over the feature to be tracked or manually adjust the track x and y fields in the UserTracks list.
3.   Refine the track position by clicking and dragging in the current frame zoom window.

TIP:  You can change the magnification of zoom windows by holding Shift and dragging the magnifying glass cursor away from the center of the window.

To resize a zoom window, drag its lower right corner to a new location.

4.   Once you're happy with the track's position, proceed to User Tracking Methods.