Setting Camera Parameters

Camera settings relate to the physical aspects of the camera used on set. Accurate physical camera data produces a better camera track and solution.

1.   Select the motion type of the on set camera from the CameraTracker tab Camera Motion dropdown menu. This is linked to a control of the same name on the Settings tab.

Rotation Only - select this option if the camera is static and rotating, for example, if you’re using a tripod mounted camera for nodal pans.

Free Camera - select this option if the camera is both translating and rotating.

Linear Motion - select this if the camera has a straight, linear path.

Planar Motion - select this if the camera has a flat path, moving in a two-dimensional plane only.

2.   If you have already used a separate LensDistortion node (see Working with Lens Distortion on page 1) to remove lens distortion from your footage, you can leave the Lens Distortion control set to No Lens Distortion.

Otherwise, set Lens Distortion to Unknown Lens before you solve the camera position to force CameraTracker to calculate the distortion.

3.   Select the Focal Length type for the camera from the dropdown menu:

Known - select this option if the focal length is available and enter a value in the Length control.

Approximate Varying - select this option if an approximate focal length is available and enter keyframed focal length values in the Length control.

Approximate Constant - select this option if an approximate focal length is available and there is no zoom, and enter a focal length value in the Length control.

NOTE:   CameraTracker attempts to refine the focal length during the solve if you select an Approximate option.

Unknown Varying - select this option if the focal length is unknown and changing.

Unknown Constant - this is the default option. Use this option if the focal length is unknown and there is no zoom.

4.   Either choose a Film Back Preset from the dropdown to populate the Film Back Size controls, or if your camera isn't in the list, enter the Film Back Size manually.

TIP:  You can add your own defaults by editing the ../NukeScripts/ file in the Nuke installation package.