Tracking Assists

Auto-tracking data can be improved by seeding User Tracks in a sequence, as CameraTracker assumes manually placed tracks are superior to auto-tracking. Re-tracking after adding User Tracks forces CameraTracker to recalculate auto-tracks using more accurate data.

1.   Track your sequence using the steps described in Tracking in Sequence Mode or Tracking in Stills Mode
2.   Track one or two User Tracks using the methods described in User Tracking Methods.

TIP:  Adding tracks is time consuming, but the more User Tracks you add, the better the result is likely to be.

3.   Either re-track the entire sequence by clicking Track,


If you only added a few keyframes to a particularly troublesome area of the sequence, click Update Track to re-track just that range of frames.

4.   If the tracking data requires more work, try adjusting some of the controls described in Troubleshooting Sequence Tracks orTroubleshooting Still Tracks.
5.   Proceed to Solving the Camera Position.