Editing Shapes

When editing ModelBuilder shapes, there are two types of editing actions:

Single-step actions that happen instantly, such as extruding and merging faces.

Multi-step actions (such as beveling and subdiving faces) that have extra parameters you can set. All multi-step actions behave in the same way:

When you start the action, you can see a preview in the Viewer even though the action has not been applied yet. A colored border appears around the Viewer window to indicate that the action is in progress.

TIP:  You can change the color of the border in the Preferences. Press Shift+S on the Node Graph to launch the Preferences dialog, go to the Appearance tab, and use the Highlight button to select a new color. Note that he brightness of the color is adjusted to prevent it from clashing with the Viewer background.

The parameters for the action appear at the top of the Viewer. As you adjust them, the preview in the Viewer is updated.

To cancel the action, you can press Esc on the Viewer.

To accept the current parameter values and complete the action, you can press Return (or change the selection mode, start a new action, press the +, -, or duplicate buttons, add a new shape, change into Align mode, or close the ModelBuilder properties).

To edit your shapes:

1.   You can edit vertices, edges, faces, and entire objects. For more information, see:

Editing Vertices

Editing Edges and Edge Loops

Editing Faces, and

Editing Objects.

2.   When you’re happy with your edits, proceed to Exporting Shapes to Separate Geometry Nodes.