RayRender (Beta)

When connected to a Scene node, the RayRender node renders all the objects and lights connected to that scene from the perspective of the Camera connected to the cam input (or a default camera if no cam input exists). The rendered 2D image is then passed along to the next node in the compositing tree, and you can use the result as an input to other nodes in the script.

NOTE:  RayRender isn’t quite as stable as we would like, but we still want to give you a chance to try it out, so we have included it as an unsupported feature in Nuke. We'll keep working on this feature, so keep an eye out for fixes in an upcoming maintenance release.

Please keep in mind that the RayRender node is in the beta phase and should not be used in production. Send any comments or feedback to the Nuke team at nuke-prerelease-private@thefoundry.co.uk.

See also PrmanRender, ScanlineRender, Scene, and Camera.

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