A spot light is a point in 3D space that emits a cone-shaped light in a given direction. A real world example of a spot light is a desk lamp.
1. | Select 3D > Lights > Spot to insert a Spotlight node in your script. |
2. | In the node’s controls, adjust the following: |
• Drag the color slider to change the light color.
• Drag the intensity slider to change the brightness of the light.
• Drag the cone angle slider to control the spread of the light (how wide or narrow the beam is) in degrees from 0 to 180.
• Drag the cone penumbra angle slider to control the softness along the edge of the area of illumination. A negative value fades inward from the circle's edge. A positive value fades outward from the circle's edge. The cone falloff should be set to zero or a low value in order to see the softness. This feature is only visible in the rendered objects and not in the 3D OpenGL Viewer.
• Drag the cone falloff slider to control how concentrated the light is (that is, how much the light diminishes from the center of the circular region out to the edge). The higher the value, the more focused the light becomes. The falloff is independent of the falloff type.
• To control how much light the object gets from the light source (based on the distance between the object and the light source), use the falloff type dropdown menu. A Linear type diminishes the light at a fixed rate as it travels from the object, whereas Quadratic and Cubic types diminish the light at an exponential rate. If you select No Falloff, the distance between the light source and the object does not affect the lighting.
• To control the direction of the light, enter values in the rotate fields.
• To control the position of the light in the 3D space, enter values in the translate fields.
• To adjust the settings for shadows, change values for the controls on the Shadows tab. For more information on these controls, see Casting Shadows.