You can import tracking data from third-party software using a plain text file containing three values in each line, frame, x, and y coordinates. Tracker can read files with values separated by spaces, commas, or colons and any blank lines or lines starting with #, ;, and / are ignored. For example, importing a file containing:
# Tracking Data 1,1,1 10,240,240 50,1000,700 90,1800,1200 100,2048,1556
Produces five keyframes at frames 1, 10, 50, 90, an 100 with the relevant x,y coordinates.
TIP: If you use a particular file format on a regular basis, you might want to create you own importer to parse the .txt file. You can use the <install_dir>/plugins/import_discreet.tcl file as a guide on how to do this.
To import tracking data:
1. | Add a tracking anchor as described in Adding Track Anchors. |
This adds a track to the tracks table in the Properties panel.
2. | Right-click the new track and select File > Import Time+value Ascii. |
The Import discreet dialog displays.
3. | Enter the file path and file name in the File field. |
4. | Set the required column containing the x and y coordinate data. |
5. | Click OK to import the track. |
The points from the file are converted into keyframes and displayed in the Viewer. The track between keyframes is interpolated as normal. The five keyframe example file described earlier produces a track similar to the following image.