2D Nodes
Reference guides for all Nuke's 2D nodes from the following toolbar groups.
Image nodes deal with loading, viewing, and rendering image sequences as well as creating built-in Nuke elements, such as checkerboards and color wheels.
Draw nodes contain Roto shapes, paint tools, film grain, fills, lens flares, sparkles, and other vector-based image tools.
Time nodes deal with distorting time (that is, slowing down, speeding up, or reversing clips), applying motion blur, and performing editorial operations like slips, cuts, splices, and freeze frames.
Channel nodes deal with the use of channels and layers within your composite. Typical channels are red, green, blue, and alpha - however, there are many other pieces of useful data that can be stored in unique channels.
Keyer nodes deal with extracting procedural mattes from image sequences using luma keying, chroma keying, and difference keying.
Transform nodes deal with translation, rotation, and scale as well as tracking, warping, and motion blur.