Nuke 10.5 Release Notes
This page provides an overview of the updates included in Nuke 10.5 and links to the documentation, where appropriate.
Note: See the navigation bar on the left for links to specific release notes by version.
Blend Tracks
Nuke Studio's track blending feature now allows you to apply several new blend modes, as well as the existing over blend. Additionally, a new masking feature has been implemented to limit the selected blend function to only those areas covered by the image's alpha channel.
See Blending Tracks on the Timeline for more information.
Create Comp Improvements
Nuke scripts created from the timeline now maintain concatenation, and are laid out more neatly. The total number of nodes is also reduced as we have removed Constant and Copy nodes, and swapped the FrameRange and AppendClip nodes for TimeClip and Merge nodes.
Export Improvements
• Nuke Studio's Export dialog has been re-arranged for clarity and ease of use. The core functionality is unchanged, but the new layout improves visibility and uses the available space more efficiently.
• Writing a new version of a clip instance now creates a corresponding new folder in the export path, if the folder doesn't already exist.
Format and Resolution Improvements
Working with multiple formats and resolutions is now much easier. Now you can easily change the resolution format of your timeline and maintain any transforms or crop soft effects to match the new timeline resolution.
We have also changed the options for the interpretation of clip instances on the timeline to be more intuitive, using the timeline Properties panel, which defaults to None, maintaining the timeline resolution. These options also carry over to the Export dialog where you can decide at what resolution you want to render your comps.
See Viewing Multi-Format Timelines for more information.
Transmission Shader
A new Transmission shader has been added, found under 3D > Shader, which adds support for transparent shadows when using the RayRender node.