Connecting the PointCloudGenerator Node
To create a dense point cloud, PointCloudGenerator needs a Camera node with a solved camera path, either from CameraTracker or from a third party 3D application, and the tracked 2D footage.
To connect the node, do the following:
1. | Click 3D > Geometry > PointCloudGenerator. |
2. | Connect the necessary nodes to the inputs: |
• Source - the 2D footage from which the camera track was solved.
• Camera - the solved Camera node.
3. | If you want to mask part of the scene to avoid tracking moving objects or reflections, connect a matte to the Mask input. For more information about masking, see Masking Out Regions of the Image. |
4. | Click Image > Viewer to insert a Viewer node and connect it to the PointCloudGenerator node. |
5. | Proceed to Setting Keyframes in a Sequence. |