Nuke Documentation
What's New in Nuke 11.2Explore what's been added to the latest versions of Nuke, NukeX, and Nuke Studio.
Meet the Product FamilyAn introduction to the different products and modes of Nuke and links to some key concepts you should know before using Nuke products.
Tracking and StabilizingNuke's 2D Tracker allows you to extract animation data from the position, rotation, and size of a pattern. You can then apply the data directly to transform or match-move another element.
Nuke Studio's timeline is designed to provide shot management, conform, playback, and export capabilities for people creating visual effects.
Nuke Studio's timeline editing tools allow you to manipulate your shots directly in the timeline, in single- or multi-view projects, using a series of modal editorial tools that complement the Multi Tool.
A handy list of the file formats Nuke can read and write, including supported codecs and notes on use. The list includes video and audio formats.
Nuke Tutorials
Compositing Viewer BasicsLearn the basics of how to use Nuke's compositing Viewer in both 2D and 3D. Nuke's Viewer node displays the render output of any connected process nodes in the Viewer panel and does not edit any data.
Soft Effects in Nuke StudioA soft effect is a real-time effect added to Nuke Studio's timeline, processed on GPU instead of CPU.
Tracking Stills in Nuke's CameraTrackerFind out how you can camera track from still photographs with the Stills Mode in Nuke's Cameratracker.
Learn how to use Python callbacks to attach Python code to various events within Nuke. This course will take you through the basics of callback knobs, callback functions and panel callbacks.
Node Order in NukeUsing a node-based compositor for the first time can be confusing; which order do the nodes go in? Here's a 3-part rundown of how to get started with a basic composite.
Nuke Developers
Getting Started with Nuke's Python APIThis guide aims to make you familiar with using the Python API in Nuke's compositing environment, including practical examples.
Getting Started with Hiero's Python APISimilar to the Nuke API guide, the aim is to make you familiar with using the Python API in Nuke Studio and Hiero.
Python Reference GuideA useful reference guide to all the modules and classes in Nuke, Nuke Studio, and Hiero.
A gentle introduction to writing kernels within Nuke's Blink framework, including a simple example that takes a single image as input, inverts the colors in it, multiplies them by a value, and then writes them to an output image.