Root { inputs 0 format "2048 1556 0 0 2048 1556 1 2K_Super_35(full-ap)" proxy_type scale proxy_format "1024 778 0 0 1024 778 1 1K_Super_35(full-ap)" } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote3 label "ConvolutionKernel:\nDoes a weighted blur on its src input,\nwith the weights taken from the\nfilter input. \n\nThis has 2D ranged access to its src input\nand random access to the filter input\n" xpos -263 ypos -211 } ColorWheel { inputs 0 format "25 25 0 0 25 25 1 small" gamma 0.45 name ColorWheel1 xpos -160 ypos -95 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 name CheckerBoard10 xpos -251 ypos -96 } BlinkScript { inputs 2 ProgramGroup 1 KernelDescription "1 \"ConvolutionKernel\" iterate pixelWise 9257af65e1a826caf62f836d7a9c65283d9de8be4584d899425eaf92970883e4 3 \"src\" Read Ranged2D \"filter\" Read Random \"dst\" Write Point 0" kernelSource "//Warning: connecting a large image to the filter input will cause the kernel to run very slowly!\n//If running on a GPU connected to a display, this will cause problems if the time taken to \n//execute the kernel is longer than your operating system allows. Use with caution!\nkernel ConvolutionKernel : public ImageComputationKernel<ePixelWise>\n\{\n Image<eRead, eAccessRanged2D, eEdgeClamped> src;\n Image<eRead, eAccessRandom> filter; \n Image<eWrite> dst;\n\nlocal:\n int2 _filterOffset;\n\n void init()\n \{\n //Get the size of the filter input and store the radius.\n int2 filterRadius(filter.bounds.width()/2, filter.bounds.height()/2); \n\n //Store the offset of the bottom-left corner of the filter image\n //from the current pixel:\n _filterOffset.x = filter.bounds.x1 - filterRadius.x;\n _filterOffset.y = filter.bounds.y1 - filterRadius.y;\n \n //Set up the access for the src image\n src.setRange(-filterRadius.x, -filterRadius.y, filterRadius.x, filterRadius.y);\n \}\n\n void process() \{\n\n SampleType(src) valueSum(0);\n ValueType(filter) filterSum(0);\n \n //Iterate over the filter image\n for(int j = filter.bounds.y1; j < filter.bounds.y2; j++) \{\n for(int i = filter.bounds.x1; i < filter.bounds.x2; i++) \{ \n //Get the filter value\n ValueType(filter) filterVal = filter(i, j, 0);\n\n //Multiply the src value by the corresponding filter weight and accumulate\n valueSum += filterVal * src(i + _filterOffset.x, j + _filterOffset.y);\n\n //Update the filter sum with the current filter value\n filterSum += filterVal;\n \}\n \}\n\n //Normalise the value sum, avoiding division by zero\n if (filterSum != 0) \n valueSum /= filterSum;\n \n dst() = valueSum;\n \}\n\};\n" rebuild "" name BlinkScript12 xpos -209 ypos -6 } Viewer { frame 1 input_process false name Viewer1 xpos -209 ypos 26 }
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