Root { inputs 0 format "2048 1556 0 0 2048 1556 1 2K_Super_35(full-ap)" proxy_type scale proxy_format "1024 778 0 0 1024 778 1 1K_Super_35(full-ap)" } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote5 label "Median5x5Kernel:\nA median filter that makes use of \nBlink's median function" xpos -60 ypos -76 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 name CheckerBoard11 xpos -8 ypos -17 } Grain2 { name Grain2_2 label "Kodak 5248" xpos -8 ypos 55 black {0 0 0} minimum {0 0 0} } BlinkScript { KernelDescription "1 \"Median5x5Kernel\" iterate componentWise 7404135bee08a84417bafabc793d1abe83cffceb445a60576389e4beffaebb24 2 \"imageIn\" Read Ranged2D \"imageOut\" Write Point 0" kernelSource "kernel Median5x5Kernel : public ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise>\n\{\n Image<eRead, eAccessRanged2D, eEdgeClamped> imageIn; \n Image<eWrite, eAccessPoint> imageOut; \n\n void init()\n \{\n imageIn.setRange(-2, -2, 2, 2);\n \}\n\n void process(int2 pos)\n \{\n float vals\[25];\n\n for (int j = -2, index = 0; j <= 2; j++) \{\n for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++, index++) \{\n vals\[index] = imageIn(i, j);\n \}\n \}\n \n //The median function takes an array of floating-point values and an array length.\n imageOut() = median(vals, 25);\n \n \}\n\};\n" rebuild "" name BlinkScript13 selected true xpos -8 ypos 100 } Viewer { frame 1 input_process false name Viewer1 xpos -8 ypos 132 }
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