Root { inputs 0 } Camera2 { inputs 0 translate {-43.47232056 13.24710751 66.99837494} rotate {-13.36362711 -47.81261851 0} name Camera1 xpos 548 ypos -316 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb format "40 40 0 0 40 40 1 tiny" name Constant2 xpos 658 ypos -742 } Radial { area {1.799999952 1.799999952 39.20000076 38.40000153} color {0.005199994892 0.08418796957 0.2599999905 1} name Radial1 xpos 658 ypos -656 postage_stamp true } BlendMat { operation plus surfaceblend modulate name BlendMat1 xpos 658 ypos -569 } push 0 push 0 ParticleEmitter { inputs 3 emit_from faces emit_order "in order" rate 40 lifetime 20 velocity 0 size 1 start_frame_animation current frame_advance constant translate {{curve i R x1 0.08660253882 0.1000000015 8.49830803e-17 -0.200000003 -0.4330126941 -0.6000000238 -0.6062178016 -0.400000006 -1.653273185e-16 0.5 0.9526279569 1.200000048 1.125833035 0.6999999881 4.592425234e-16 -0.8000000119 -1.47224319 -1.799999952 -1.645448208 -1 -9.001154433e-16 1.100000024 1.991858482 2.400000095 2.16506362 1.299999952 1.487945827e-15 -1.399999976 -2.511473656 -3 -2.684678793 -1.600000024 3.6392436e-15 1.700000048 3.031088829 3.599999905 3.204293966 1.899999976 1.003227093e-14 -2 -3.550704241 -4.199999809 -3.72390914 -2.200000048 -1.212678859e-14 2.299999952 4.070319176 4.800000191 4.243524551 2.5 -3.750575917e-15 -2.599999905 -4.589934826 -5.400000095 -4.763139725 -2.799999952 -1.675669694e-14 2.900000095 5.109549999 6 5.282754898 3.099999905 -3.090009438e-15 -3.200000048 -5.629165173 -6.599999905 -5.802370071 -3.400000095 2.70530143e-14 3.5 6.148780346 7.199999809 6.321985245 3.700000048 -1.841612469e-15 -3.799999952 -6.668395519 -7.800000191 -6.841600895 -4 -2.778000235e-14 4.099999905 7.188010693 8.399999619 7.361216068 4.300000191 -5.38513149e-18 -4.400000095 -7.707625866 -9 -7.880831242 -4.599999905 -3.417340196e-14 4.699999809 8.227241516 9.600000381 8.400446892 4.900000095 2.418672723e-15 -5} {curve i R x1 0.05000000075 0.1732050776 0.3000000119 0.3464101553 0.25 3.399323212e-16 -0.349999994 -0.6928203106 -0.8999999762 -0.8660253882 -0.5500000119 -1.359729285e-15 0.6499999762 1.212435603 1.5 1.385640621 0.8500000238 6.613092739e-16 -0.9499999881 -1.732050776 -2.099999905 -1.905255914 -1.149999976 -5.438917139e-15 1.25 2.251666069 2.700000048 2.424871206 1.450000048 1.836970094e-15 -1.549999952 -2.771281242 -3.299999952 -2.94448638 -1.75 -2.645237096e-15 1.850000024 3.290896416 3.900000095 3.464101553 2.049999952 3.600461773e-15 -2.150000095 -3.810511827 -4.5 -3.983716965 -2.349999905 -2.175566856e-14 2.450000048 4.330127239 5.099999905 4.503332138 2.650000095 5.951783307e-15 -2.75 -4.849742413 -5.699999809 -5.022947311 -2.950000048 -7.347880374e-15 3.049999952 5.369357586 6.300000191 5.542562485 3.25 -1.45569744e-14 -3.349999905 -5.888972759 -6.900000095 -6.062177658 -3.549999952 -1.058094838e-14 3.650000095 6.408587933 7.5 6.581792831 3.849999905 4.012908373e-14 -3.950000048 -6.928203106 -8.100000381 -7.101408482 -4.150000095 -1.440184709e-14 4.25 7.447818279 8.699999809 7.621023655 4.449999809 4.850715438e-14 -4.550000191 -7.967433929 -9.300000191 -8.140638351 -4.75 -8.702267422e-14 4.849999905 8.487049103 9.899999619 8.660254478} {curve i R x1 -10 -9.061760902 -8.121614456 -7.177655697 -6.227976799 -5.270671844 -4.303834438 -3.325557709 -2.333935261 -1.32706058 -0.3030270636 0.7400718331 1.804142594 2.891091824 4.002826214 5.141251564 6.308275223 7.505803585 8.735742569 10 11.29812527 12.62730789 13.98591328 15.37230778 16.7848568 18.22192383 19.68187523 21.1630764 22.66389465 24.18269157 25.71783638 27.26769257 28.83062553 30.40500069 31.98918343 33.58153915 35.18043137 36.78422928 38.39129639 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40}} name ParticleEmitter1 xpos 658 ypos -511 } ParticleSettings { steps_per_frame 20 name ParticleSettings1 xpos 658 ypos -474 } ParticleCurve { curves {r {} g {} b {} a {curve l 1 x0.2635964453 0.1880597472 s-0.6999999881 x1 0.02661693096} size {} mass {}} name ParticleCurve1 xpos 658 ypos -439 } Scene { name Scene1 xpos 668 ypos -387 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb name Constant1 xpos 788 ypos -319 } ScanlineRender { inputs 3 motion_vectors_type velocity name ScanlineRender1 xpos 658 ypos -295 } Viewer { input_process false name Viewer1 xpos 658 ypos -243 }
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