Root { inputs 0 } Camera2 { inputs 0 translate {-4.321140289 4.968668938 6.965442181} rotate {-23.70209172 -31.97869639 0} name Camera1 xpos 4388 ypos -572 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0.9499999881 0.3249000013 0.05700000003 0.2649999857} name Constant1 xpos 4486 ypos -795 } push 0 push 0 ParticleEmitter { inputs 3 rate 100 size 0.02 spread 0.05 name ParticleEmitter1 xpos 4486 ypos -683 } ParticleGravity { to {0 -0.2 0} name ParticleGravity1 xpos 4486 ypos -624 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb name Constant2 xpos 4605 ypos -575 } ScanlineRender { inputs 3 motion_vectors_type velocity name ScanlineRender1 xpos 4486 ypos -551 } Viewer { input_process false name Viewer1 xpos 4486 ypos -492 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote4 tile_color 0x9b9b9bff label "Basic setup\n\nemission rate - 100\nsize - 0.02\nspread - 0.05\n\nEmitting along the y axis with a slight spread applied." note_font_size 18 xpos 4335 ypos -946 }
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