Adjusting MotionBlur Controls

To adjust MotionBlur controls:

1.   Select a suitable Shutter Time, depending on the amount of blur you wish to add. This sets the equivalent shutter time of the retimed sequence. For example, a shutter time of 0.5 is equivalent to a 180 degree mechanical shutter, so at 24 frames per second the exposure time is 1/48th of a second.

The larger the value, the more motion blur is produced.

A low Shutter Time.

A high Shutter Time.

2.   Set the method of calculating motion estimation vectors:

Local - uses local block matching to estimate motion vectors. This method is faster to process, but can lead to artifacts in the output.

Regularized - uses semi-global motion estimation to produce more consistent vectors between regions.

Note:  Scripts loaded from previous versions of Nuke default to Local motion estimation for backward compatibility. Adding a new MotionBlur node to the Node Graph defaults the Method to Regularized motion estimation.

3.   Use Vector Detail to alter the density of the calculated motion vector field. A value of 1 generates a vector at each pixel, whereas a value of 0.5 generates a vector at every other pixel.

Bear in mind that higher Vector Detail values require longer to process, but can pick up finer movement and enhance your results in some cases.

4.   Set the type of re-sampling applied when retiming:

Bilinear - the default filter. Faster to process, but can produce poor results at higher zoom levels. You can use Bilinear to preview a motion blur before using one of the other re-sampling types to produce your output.

Lanczos4 and Lanczos6 - these filters are good for scaling down, and provide some image sharpening, but take longer to process.

5.   Render the sequence to see the motion blurred result.
6.   If you can see that the motion blur has been created from a few discrete images, try increasing Shutter Samples. This results in more in-between images being used to generate the motion blur and so results in a smoother blur.

Shutter Samples = 2

Shutter Samples = 4

Shutter Samples = 8

Shutter Samples = 30