Reviewing 360 Footage

SphericalTransform is invaluable for reviewing 360 material without the use of a headset. Setting the output to Rectilinear allows you to pan around the scene to get a feel for how the final render might look.

1.   Add a SphericalTransform downstream of your stitch.
2.   Navigate to the Output tab in the Properties panel.
3.   Set the Focal control in the range 15-50 mm or use the Review preset that is included with the node.
4.   Click the Rotation dropdown, and then select Look.
5.   Use the directionInput Viewer widget to pan around the scene.

Tip:  If you disconnect the SphericalTransform from the node tree and rename it to VIEWER_INPUT using the Properties panel, you can toggle the rectilinear projection on and off using the IP button (or Alt+P keyboard shortcut) above the Viewer.
If you leave the SphericalTransform Properties panel open, you can pan around in the lat-long projection as well.