Altering a Script’s Lookup Tables (LUTs)

A script’s lookup tables are curves that control the conversion between file or device color spaces and Nuke’s internal color space. In the Curve Editor, the x axis represents the input pixel values and the y axis the output pixel values (normalized to the 0-1 range). When applying LUTs, Nuke looks up the input value along the x axis to determine what the y value is to output.

Nuke provides many nuke-default LUTs, including: linear, sRGB, rec709, Cineon1, Gamma1.8, Gamma2.2, Panalog2, REDLog3, ViperLog4, AlexaV3LogC5, PLogLin6, SLog7, and REDSpace8.

You can also create an unlimited number of additional LUTs and edit or remove existing LUTs in the script’s settings.

By default, Nuke uses certain LUTs for certain file types or devices. In most cases, you do not need to touch these defaults. However, there may occasionally be cases when changing the defaults is necessary: for example, if your material has been shot with a camera that records in a custom color space, such as Panalog. In those cases, you can change the defaults in the script’s settings so that you don’t need to change the color space on each Read or Write node.

If you do not want to use the default LUT for reading or writing certain individual images, you can select the LUT to use in the corresponding Read or Write node’s controls.