Defining Common Image Formats
You may wish to define image formats (image resolutions and corresponding pixel aspect ratios) for a given project. These appear as dropdown menus on Read and Reformat nodes.
Defining an Image Format
To define an image format:
1. | If you haven’t already done so, create a file called in your plug-in path directory. |
For more information on plug-in path directories, see Loading Gizmos, NDK Plug-ins, and Python and Tcl Scripts.
2. | Add an entry in the following format: |
nuke.addFormat(" ImageWidth ImageHeight LowerLeftCorner LowerRightCorner UpperRightCorner UpperLeftCorner PixelAspectRatio DisplayName ")
• Replace ImageWidthwith the width (in pixels) of the image format.
• Replace ImageHeightwith the height (in pixels) of the image format.
• If you wish to define an image area that is smaller than the format resolution, replace LowerLeftCorner, LowerRightCorner, UppperRightCorner, UpperLeftCorner with the proper x and y coordinates (in pixels) for the lower left, lower right, upper right, and upper left corners of this smaller image area (optional).
• Replace DisplayNamewith display name of the format. This appears on all relevant dropdown menus.
The following entry would create a new format called full_aperature_anamorphic with a resolution of 2048 by 1556 and a pixel aspect ratio of 2.0. (As the image corners are not explicitly defined, the image covers the entirety of the format area.)
nuke.addFormat (" 2048 1556 2.0 full_aperture_anamorphic ")