Precomp Revisions

The following describes how to open, edit, and reload a precomp script.

To View and Edit a Precomp Script

1.   In the Precomp node properties, click Open.

This starts a new Nuke session and loads the precomp script.

2.   Edit the precomp script as necessary.
3.   If you are using version numbers in the Write node file name, select the Write node in the Node Graph and choose Edit > Node > Filename > VersionUp from the menu bar. This changes the version number in the file that’s rendered, for example, from Precomp1_v01_####.exr to Precomp1_v02_####.exr.
4.   Render the Write node. Note that if the proxy mode is on and you have entered a proxy file name for the output node, Nuke renders a proxy image.
5.   Select File > Save New Comp Version (or File > Save Comp As) to save the script with a new version number, for example, Precomp1_v02.nk instead of Precomp1_v01.nk.

To Reload a Revised Precomp Script

1.   Load the main comp.
2.   Make sure the filename in the Precomp node’s file field matches the current name of the precomp script.

If the precomp script name has been versioned up, you can simply select the Precomp node and choose Edit > Node > Filename > VersionUp from the menu bar. This changes the name of the script that is read in, for example, from Precomp1_v01.nk to Precomp1_v02.nk.

If the precomp script has been saved with a different name or you want to use a different script as the precomp script, edit the filename in the file field.

3.   In the Precomp properties, click Reload.